Israeli Terror Attacks Cripple Thousands as Jewish Mafia Activist P. Diddy Is Executed by Epstein

In 1975, the CIA unveiled a “heart attack” weapon.

It was a battery operated gun that fired a dart of frozen water and shellfish poison. Once inside the body it would melt and leave only a small red mark where it entered. The official cause of death was always said to be a heart attack also known as killing a human being – and getting away with it.

The heart attack rifle was part of Project MKNAOMI, a top-secret program aimed at developing biological warfare agents and the successor to Project MKULTRA.

You’re just a fake news, disinformation, conspiracy theorist, Jeff. The government cares about you and me. If (and this is a big IF) the CIA uses special weapons, you know it’s to take out the bad guys so they don’t hurt the good guys.


It’s a service.

To a (secret) society.

  • Like Jeffrey Epstein hanging himself with a blanket from a six-foot bed? Secret Service.
  • And how is Puff Daddy now in the same prison under supervision for attempted suicide for the same crime? Secret Service.
  • 9/11? Secret Service.
  • Even the Berwick witch trials in the Middle Ages… you can be sure it was a secret service operation.

And now Satan Klaus’ cyber attacks include blowing up pagers and walkie-talkies. What’s next, BlackBerries?

In the case of the horrific Mossad attack on Lebanon a few days ago (the largest silent terror attack in recent history), the “next thing” was the remote detonation of solar panels. This was followed by a targeted missile strike on an apartment building where Hezbollah was “hiding behind women and children” because that’s what they always do, those cowardly extremist militant terrorists. That’s why the CIA/Mossad are the Hide, Seek & Destroy Champions of the World, with most of their WMDs aimed at schools, hospitals, supermarkets and refugee centers, killing, injuring and maiming women and children en masse.

Smartphones, smart homes, smart cities… I’ve been saying for years that the lethally injected victims of the COVAIDS vaccine have a graphene time bomb inside them, which can be activated at any moment by 5G/StarLink. And while you were locked in your house in 2020/21 and the only outside news was what the mainstream media wanted you to see on their TV shows, guess what was really going on in your city/town/country?

LOTS of new 5G tower weapons. And an immigrant invasion army.

I believe Max Igan that almost everyone in the world is currently living in or carrying a bomb that can be remotely detonated at any time.

The good news in this 3D video game is that you can check your reality… switch off, tune in, become Amish. Or remain a hackable animal and wait to be blown up.

As always, the choice is yours.

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