Shadow of espionage shakes Vatican: investigation into leaks in London financial scandal – ZENIT

(ZENIT News / Rome, 09.22.2024).- The Vatican is facing a new media storm, this time not over doctrinal controversies, but over the possible breach of its most sensitive documents. At the center of this growing storm is the lingering aftermath of the now infamous purchase of a luxury London apartment, a financial scandal that continues to send ripples through the Holy See. The latest twist? Concerns over unauthorized access to confidential information related to the case.

From financial scandal to cyber intrigue

The scandal, which first came to light in 2019, reached a fever pitch in December 2023 when a Vatican court convicted 10 people, including Cardinal Angelo Becciu. However, the trial’s conclusion has raised new concerns. Vatican officials, led by Promotor of Justice Alessandro Diddi, launched an internal investigation in March 2023 after finding evidence suggesting a possible breach of their secret files during the investigation process. Speculation has grown as to whether hackers have infiltrated the Vatican’s internal systems, raising alarms about the vulnerability of their data in an increasingly digital world.

Although Italian media have previously pointed to the existence of this investigation, the Vatican only recently officially acknowledged its concerns about possible leaks.

A Growing Web: From Italy to the Vatican

This case is not limited to the walls of the Vatican. The broader context concerns a significant espionage scandal that has shaken Italy. In 2022, the Italian newspaper Domani exposed a vast network of illegal surveillance involving prominent public figures. The revelations, which began with reports on Guido Crosetto, the Italian Minister of Defense, exposed a web of unauthorized spying that affected more than 800 prominent individuals, including politicians, entrepreneurs and even sports stars such as Cristiano Ronaldo.

At the center of this web of intrigue was Pasquale Striano, an officer in Italy’s Guardia di Finanza. He reportedly had access to confidential files from several state agencies, leading to an underground exchange of sensitive data. Italian prosecutors believe Striano had accomplices, including journalists and even an official from the National Anti-Mafia Directorate. As the investigation deepened, the Vatican emerged as a potential target in this sprawling espionage operation.

Unprecedented Collaboration: Vatican Joins Forces with Italian Prosecutors

In a rare move, the Vatican has opted for full cooperation with Italian authorities. A high-profile meeting between Vatican officials, including Gendarmerie Commander Gianluca Gauzzi and Vatican Prosecutor Alessandro Diddi, and representatives of the Perugia Public Prosecutor’s Office, including Raffaele Cantone, formalized the partnership. Both sides are investigating whether the alleged digital espionage that has shocked Italy may have extended to the Vatican archives.

This alliance between the Vatican and Italian authorities is crucial as they work to discover whether the Holy See’s leaks are connected to Italy’s broader espionage scandal. Such cooperation is rare for the Vatican, which typically maintains a high degree of secrecy in its internal affairs, but the potential breach of its confidential documents has prompted a decisive and collaborative response.

London Apartment: The Precious Centerpiece

At the heart of the Vatican’s legal and financial troubles is the ill-fated purchase of a luxury apartment in London. In 2019, media reports revealed that €150 million from the Vatican Bank had been used for a controversial investment in the property, a move that later resulted in significant financial losses for the church.

The scandal led to the resignation of Domenico Gianni, then head of the Vatican’s gendarmerie, after confidential details of the deal were leaked to the press. Gianni’s departure was intended to restore confidence in the Vatican’s security apparatus, but the damage had already been done. Now, with new concerns about data leaks, the Vatican is facing even tighter scrutiny.

What awaits us?

As the investigation deepens, questions remain about how far the spying went inside the Vatican and what impact it might have had on high-profile cases like the London apartment trial. If the Vatican’s digital infrastructure has indeed been infiltrated, it poses a serious challenge to the Holy See’s efforts to manage and protect its sensitive information in an increasingly interconnected world.

The revelations surrounding possible espionage not only complicate the Vatican’s legal position, but also call into question the broader implications of these security lapses. Was crucial evidence compromised during the investigation? Were key Vatican figures subjected to illegal surveillance? These are questions that Vatican officials, and their counterparts in Italy, are now scrambling to answer.

As the Vatican works with Perugia prosecutors to unravel this web of espionage, the outcome could set a precedent for how the church handles future threats in an era when both physical and digital security are paramount. For now, the church faces an uncertain future as its ability to protect its most confidential affairs comes under the spotlight.

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