SC advocates promoting a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of sex education

“Critics often argue that providing information about sexual health and contraception will lead to more sexual activity among teens.

However, research has shown that comprehensive sex education actually delays the onset of sexual activity and promotes safer practices among those who are sexually active,” the court said.

It was said that sex education is considered by most to be a ‘Western concept’ that does not align with traditional Indian values.

The court said this position has led to opposition from several state governments, leading to bans on sex education in schools in some states.

“This kind of opposition hinders the implementation of comprehensive and effective sexual health programs, leaving many adolescents without the right information.”

“This is why teens and young adults are turning to the Internet, where they have access to uncontrolled and unfiltered information, which is often misleading and can form the basis for unhealthy sexual behavior,” the report said.

The Supreme Court stated that there is also a misconception that sex education only addresses biological aspects of reproduction.

It was stated that effective sexuality education covers a wide range of topics, including consent, healthy relationships, gender equality and respect for diversity. Addressing these topics is crucial to reducing sexual violence and promoting gender equality.

The court noted that despite some of these challenges, there are successful sex education programmes in India, such as the ‘Udaan’ programme in Jharkhand. The success of these programmes underscores the importance of community involvement, transparency and government support in overcoming resistance and creating an enabling environment for sex education.

“Positive, age-appropriate sexuality education plays a vital role in preventing young people from engaging in harmful sexual behaviour, including the distribution and viewing of CSEAM (child sexual exploitation and abuse material),” the report said.

This showed that positive sex education focuses on providing accurate, age-appropriate information about sexuality, consent and respectful relationships.

According to the court, research shows that comprehensive sex education can significantly reduce risky sexual behavior, increase knowledge, enable healthy decision-making, reduce misinformation, delay first sex, reduce the number of sexual partners, and increase the use of contraception.

“Research in India shows that there is a need for comprehensive sex education programs.

A study of over 900 adolescents in Maharashtra found that schoolchildren who are not exposed to scientific literature on reproductive and sexual health are more likely to start having sex at a young age.

The Supreme Court said that comprehensive sex education programs teach young people about the importance of consent and the legal implications of sexual activity, helping them better understand the serious consequences of viewing and distributing child pornography.

With regard to certain provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, the court said: “Since one of the salutary and recognised objectives of the POCSO was to deter crimes of sexual abuse and exploitation of children, the obligation of the competent authority and the Commission under the said provisions will as a corollary also include imparting sex education and awareness to the general public, children and their parents and guardians, particularly in schools and educational institutions.”

The court stated that it is the collective responsibility to ensure that victims of child pornography receive the care, support and justice they deserve.

“By creating a compassionate and understanding society, we can help them find their way to recovery and regain a sense of safety, dignity and hope,” the report said.

The Supreme Court has quashed the Madras High Court’s verdict that is, merely downloading and viewing child pornography is not a punishable offence under the POCSO Act and the IT Act.

The Supreme Court was ruling on a petition challenging the order of the Madras High Court.

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