The American Disaster Caused by the Biden/Harris Administration!

Sources said members of Tren de Aragua crossed the U.S. border with thousands of asylum seekers and stayed. (James Breeden for NY Post)

Commentary by: Gordon King

The policies of the current Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration have caused great disasters and crises in America. If we do not restrain ourselves, America is on the brink of collapse, it is now only a matter of time.

One of the greatest problems facing America and American citizens is the open southern border. Millions upon millions of illegal aliens have entered America, many of whom are gang members, prisoners, criminals of all stripes, and yes, even terrorists! However, that is not the only disaster associated with these illegal immigrants, it is also our own government that houses them, provides them with food stamps, cell phones, health care, education, and even monthly cash stipends, far more than many poor Americans receive.

We are now beginning to see the results of these actions: more homelessness, more gangs, higher crime rates, more murders, more thefts, more rapes, and more child trafficking.

Homelessness in US explodes from record high last year as migrants flood streets

Noncitizens added to states’ voter rolls via DMV even after admitting they do not have U.S. citizenship

House Committee Witnesses Warn by Terrorists in the US

Allowing millions of illegal immigrants into our country has detrimental effects on housing, the economy, safety, security, and our freedoms as citizens of America. It is fundamentally transforming our country into a third world country.

The liberals in power say they want change, this is the change they are talking about my friends! Destroy America so the Global Elite can usher in a One World Order.

Kamala Harris is very dangerous, not necessarily in herself, but because of the policies she supports and the Deep State that keeps her in check!

Do you like being able to afford a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes to wear, safe streets, a government that actually has your best interests at heart? If so, don’t vote for Kamala Harris, she will give you the exact opposite!

President Trump has proven himself for four years! He did not do what the left said he would do. He was not a dictator, he was not bad for the economy or the world. He did not stay in power after the 2020 election like they said he would. The fact is that President Trump did exactly what he said he would do, and the left lied about him, just like they are doing today!

Were you better off four years ago than you are now? Was America better off four years ago? Was the world better off four years ago? Are you concerned about the safety and security of your family today? Are you afraid that the cost of goods and services will continue to rise? Well, we have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to thank for it all! Kamala Harris is one of the major players in the way things are today, and if she doesn’t like it, she can change it, she is the Vice President after all! She controls the border, the economy, street safety, etc., and chooses to do nothing about it! Apparently she likes the way things are and where we are headed.

Make informed decisions based on facts, not mainstream media propaganda. Your lives depend on it!

God bless my friends! Maranatha! Look up!!!

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