Charity ’90 North Foundation’ joins High Seas Alliance

ARCTIC Ocean conservation charity 90 North Foundation has announced its membership of the High Seas Alliance. Together with 50+ organisations, 90 North Foundation joins the Alliance with the aim of inspiring, informing and engaging the public, decision makers and experts in protecting the High Seas.

The high seas is an area of ​​the ocean that is not part of the territory of any country and covers almost half of the Earth. The sea has a rich biodiversity that is essential for the health of the planet. The focus of the 90 North Foundation is to promote conservation measures for one such area that is particularly vulnerable to the rapid effects of climate change: the Central Arctic Ocean.

Through membership of the High Seas Alliance, 90 North Foundation’s first goal is to encourage ratification of the UN High Seas Treaty – an international agreement that will protect ocean biodiversity beyond the national jurisdictions of countries. The UK government has signed it, but it still needs to be passed by its own parliament. Sixty countries need to do so before the treaty can officially come into force.

Charity '90 North Foundation' joins High Seas Alliance
Charity '90 North Foundation' joins High Seas Alliance Pen Hadow with manual ice coring equipment, Central Arctic Ocean. Photo: Martin Hartley.

Pen Hadow, Arctic Ocean explorer and conservationist, founder of the 90 North Foundation, explains:

“By joining the High Seas Alliance, we have the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the Central Arctic Ocean and add our voices to the many other great organizations campaigning to protect the High Seas. The Arctic Ocean is warming four times faster than any other part of the world’s ocean. By 2035, it could be 85 percent ice-free in the summer, including the North Pole itself. And it could be completely ice-free for nine months of every year within 45 years.

“If our planet loses its northern white cap – a vital heat shield – it will have far-reaching and unknown consequences for all of us.

“Collaboration with other respected organizations through initiatives like the High Seas Alliance is a critical tool for protecting our ocean and all life on Earth.”

Dr Graeme Chesters, Director of Research at the 90 North Foundation and Leader of the High Seas Alliance, added:

“This week, we join our first working groups, including one preparing for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP in Colombia in October. This is a pivotal moment for ocean conservation. Together, we can multiply our power to create meaningful change for our ocean, and for all of us – our lives and the lives of countless other species depend on it.”

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