Shuttleworth McAfee’s It – by Steven Jarvis

I understand how impossible it is for Brad Shuttleworth, one of Mike Flynn’s admitted digital soldiers via accomplice Susan Portnoy, to defend his man and his operations. He has to lie outright all the time and hope that no one is watching him.

Rocco Castoro got the cameras rolling and the footage became part of a Netflix documentary, Running with the devilin which Rocco is in the damn car with McAfee using the phone to tell authorities where he is. This was AFTER the former vice editor who was responsible for REMOVING metadata from photos had deliberately posted photos blaming others for his deliberate choice.

This is what Brad lied about to discredit Mike Flynn’s arch-nemesis, Jim Stewartson.

Fact: They caught McAfee when Rocco was with him, because Rocco Castoro framed him. It is also true that McAfee died by his own hand, committing suicide to avoid extradition on tax evasion charges, with Brad himself confusing two issues – the alleged murder of his neighbor in a foreign jurisdiction, with separate legal issues. He does this to cover up what Rocco himself said.

The most entertaining part of the thread was when Brad ignored Lula, the sock who looked like Mike Rothschild if Mike had more hair.

Yes, Rocco was the one to blame for McAfee’s arrest. That arrest likely played a role in McAfee’s decision to commit suicide, having been through it all before and knowing that the Feds, unlike Belize, had full proof that McAfee had not paid his taxes, along with his statements admitting to tax evasion. McAfee knew he was going to jail for a long time. Here’s a close-up of Rothschild’s lookalike Wigglebean alt.

Mike Rothschild himself is a fraud investigator who is supporting Mike Flynn’s MAGA3x program. He is doing this under the direction of Doug StewAnon Stewart and working with the sinister Nazis Fred Brennan, Douglass Messner and other operatives such as Brad, Susan Portnoy and Pedo-Bear-Robin. They are running malicious influence operations to cover up the activities of Flynn and others in the hopes that he will not be brought to justice via subpoena or indictment.

Here is Lula, teaming up with his Pedo friend, Robin Erakson (sp?) from Sweden, where both men find “a baby doll with curly hair” sexually stimulating. This is a problem that is related to “research” conducted on Fred Brennan’s 8Chan, where QAnon, GamerGate, and child porn were featured.

Mike no longer works for DailyDot. He was probably fired because he was too problematic and troublesome in systematically smearing people, getting caught lying to editors, publishing untruths, and inciting others to publish disinformation on his behalf.

Let’s use Brad again to dig up another dead billionaire linked to their joint MAGA3x operations.

Susan Portnoy, aka KassandraSeven, was close enough to the brainless oligarch-mob boss who had the audacity to steal from Putin that the billionaire filed a DMCA notice on her behalf via Josh Fidel’s account. The post, which showed her mobster holding a gun stolen from the Russian state media site RT, garnered perhaps 100-200,000 views.

Does Susan know that Brad is digging up her ex-mafia boss?

Susan was clearly pissed at Brad for bringing up her dead Russian PayPal Mafia investor who plowed some $2 billion in laundered Russian ill-gotten gains into Thiel’s long-ago Facebook adventure. Which reminds me. When is Musk going to hire Susan again? She needs so much money that she runs a fake store selling Harris mercenaries using AI or someone else’s labor to fund her espionage efforts.

Brad’s response was classic, as all of Flynn’s digital soldiers are desperate to turn their day on social media into something that actually matters—clearly projecting. Again, here’s Sue admitting that they’re all working with Flynn.


I’m pretty sure some Fed scrap booker is already working on that, piecing together various musings from Flynn’s digital soldiers. This above was actually quite helpful with Pedo-Bear-Robin setting up his part of the infiltration operation, on behalf of Mike Flynn.


Deanna notes that her defamatory statements falsely claiming I am involved in stochastic terrorism are punishable by law. She clearly forgets her article denying the existence of my then 4-year-old child, whose group used AI to minimally alter her appearance into a sexual meme.

Deanna is credibly accused of supporting Susan Portnoy, Remi Barrette, Mike Rothschild and others who have admitted to working with and failing on Mike Flynn’s behalf.

It would be smart to stop cooperating with partners, some of whom, like Doug Stewart, have already instigated parts of their own operations to avoid their own eventual prosecution. Is it really smart to continue to conspire and obstruct and not instead look for a real job?

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