Homeland Security Admits There Are 5 Hit Teams in the US

Image result for attempted assassination of Trump

As surprising as it may seem after 2 failed assassination attempts in 2 months, we have yet another disturbing confession from a Homeland Security official. The confession is problematic because the federal government has now indicated that there are 5 teams operating within the US dedicated to taking down Donald Trump. Three of these teams are foreign and two are domestic. It appears that the Deep State will stop at nothing to stop Trump, no matter what! Why? A Trump administration would mean prosecutions for the traitors operating within the halls of the federal government, and we all know how ruthless the Democrats are when they hold on to their power!

Image result for Larry Kidlow Questions Mike Johnson About Secret Service

Criminal negligence?

This came up during an interview between Larry Kudlow, a TV financial expert, and House Speaker Mike Johnson, with whom many conservatives disagree. Larry, not normally an interviewer on political discourse unless it is fiscally related, was immediately looking for the reason why the Secret Service, with a $3 billion annual budget, does not lack the funding to deploy enough agents. The problem is they won’t! According to former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino, it takes rigorous training and time to properly train Secret Service agents to be active duty field personnel who project an external protective perimeter for the President of the United States or any other official they are supposed to protect with their lives! The problem is it isn’t being done and serious life-threatening mistakes are being made.

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The hostile atmosphere

Mike Johnson announced that he would be standing on Kamala Harris’s doorstep screaming at her to issue an executive order for additional manpower to protect Donald Trump’s life, but what happens when you have a government that doesn’t give a damn? The federal government has known for some time that Iran has put a price on Trump’s head, while our own Democrat lapdog media has been calling for Trump to be taken out before he can occupy the Oval Office! It’s unbelievable that not only is a rogue nation that is actively destroying America being aided and abetted by an ideologically opposed mainstream media that has adopted Stalinist propaganda tactics to aid this hostile Democratic Party in their willful destruction of our nation!

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The story gets more complicated

The Democratic “Open Borders” policy has terrorists, human traffickers, drug cartel members, massive amounts of fentanyl on the streets, Venezuelan gangs, MS-13 thugs and now we find hit squads from abroad trying to assassinate Donald J. Trump! If this isn’t an example of infiltration and widespread treason, I don’t know what is, in this nightmarish world of morality turned upside down. Americans are in the death grip of diametrically opposed fanatics unleashed by radical leftist politics taught in our schools, as American history is neglected, and we see the fruit of ignorance, self-aggrandizement and moral decay in this blinding fog of deliberate deception. America is not only at a crossroads, it is teetering on the edge of a cliff thanks to the indoctrinated and apathetic masses who are unwilling to face the truth and the consequences when the enemy succeeds!

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