Polis hesitates when asked whether Harris should talk more about the border

Aurora Colorado has been in the national news for weeks due to Venezuelan gang activity and the attention of former President Donald Trump.

And yet, when asked about it on national television on Sunday, Governor Polis hesitated and dropped the ball.

His confused response sounded like Kamala Harris was reminiscing about her childhood in a middle-class neighborhood with her beloved green lawns.

That is the situation that Democrats now find themselves in. They must defend their policies of open borders and mass migration to citizens who are resisting the mess it has created across the country.

Polis was asked to appear on CBS’s Take on the nation to respond to Trump’s comments that “under border czar Harris, Venezuelan gangs have taken over entire apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado.”

Trump also hit out at Polis, saying, “The governor is scared to death of Colorado. He’s a liberal governor, he doesn’t know what to do. The guy is so scared of these guys, and maybe you can’t blame him.”

Polis responded as follows:


“Well, you know, I went shopping in Aurora yesterday,” Polis opened.

“What a lot of Americans need to know is that Aurora has a population of over 400,000. It’s the third largest city in Colorado. Violent crime is down two years in a row. Auto thefts are down two years in a row. It’s–it’s a great city. I’m there all the time. It’s–it’s a really great, diverse city, and it’s growing rapidly. It’s probably going to be the number one or number two city in Colorado in the next 10 or 20 years. So it’s a great city. It’s safer than it is–than it’s been. And look, it’s just like any other city: Chicago, LA, mid-sized cities, Denver, of course, Aurora has had a gang problem for decades, and I feel like we’re finally turning the corner. I mean, this is the difference between electing a president who’s bended the law and one who’s made a career out of enforcing the law. I mean, Kamala Harris is someone who’s looked criminal enterprises in the eye, put criminals behind bars as a prosecutor, and she’s going “take that same attitude toward the White House to make America more secure.”

Trump enforced immigration laws by building a wall and funding border security.

Harris and Biden are the ones who circumvented the law by tearing down border barriers and deploying Border Patrol agents to process asylum seekers and millions of other border crossers.


The presenter tries to convince Polis that Harris should speak out more forcefully on this topic.

Instead, Polis blames Republicans for failing to enforce the border under the Biden-Harris administration (which controls the Constitution).

He’s falling back on the same tired excuse that Republicans refused to pass a Democratic bill that only had one, count ’em one, Republican behind it, what Democrats call a “bipartisan bill.”

The bill would have legislated for the admission of thousands of asylum seekers across the border every day, after which they would have to wait in this country for years to be processed. However, the vast majority rejected it.

The bill would have paid for more border guards, but not to protect the border. No, those guards were supposed to help process even more so-called asylum seekers.

What the media never asks is why Democrats refused to vote for the Republican bill that passed the House but failed in the Senate to secure the border and complete wall construction.

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