The Price of Courage; UT Professor Investigated and Exposed Pedophile Politicians Who Made Comments About Hundreds of Boys Being Murdered in Houston (Where Herbert Bush Lived) and Suddenly Dying – Brutal Evidence

Interesting discussion about MKUltra, but he has no information about creating an MKUltra using torture programming. They tortured me to the point that my brain underwent a physical change that stopped all pain while I was being tortured. The neuroscientist who testified said that the brain actually undergoes this physical change to prevent receptors from sending signals that cause pain during the torture programming. He does talk about the hypnosis that was done on me in 1976 and the torture programming that was done in 1978-79 by Bush Sr. Carter and a CIA agent named Bill Day. 0 1gHAsRKA2BbhvXL-m6R_r4S1daXseMhJLVLV-8f-G8Rq7mgwFA2Vlfr S4R6yL2r7jt6RB7hMcgWEhZYizCoJTo3fgP6gtpCKer5WVe5EmxikmHGYc2M&tn=HR&c(0)=AT2YN-2nZ-P4iAS42BYuDrDRgrDdCVn1G_Az0u1k4HFnqxLLE7RDkT5d3e5ylziizwq_l knoa28V4p0pNBUkCKgEbifUWGQJ7cFsa-iPDJ1-_0WXhPvm8dqpaHQgO_M-UQpRpBPfJLQR

Comment: He was subjected to the most severe mind control that military assassins are subjected to. The military is heavily involved in this as is the CIA, Presidents, and Hollywood pedophile rings. We have MASSIVE POLITICAL CORRUPTION & CENSORSHIP TO ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE! The reason the media is censoring this information is because the ZIONIST mafia owns the media! Basically mind controlled assassins are satanic CIA/military SLAVES. If you have any questions feel free to chat with Randy on FB….link to follow. He was sold by his mother to Jon Voight to be used as security/nanny/slave for Jon Voight’s daughter Angelina Jolie.


MKUltra programming via extreme torture and sexual stimulation: This is part of the actual programming Randal Turner underwent as a teenager.

This happened in the late 1970s, when Jimmy Carter was president.

George Bush Sr. was either the director of the CIA or a candidate for office at the time. They came into the bedroom of the house where I was staying with Marcheline Bertrand. I had been on a White House tour about a week earlier and had to defend myself against Bush Jr. because he had told him to stay away from some kids in our tour group that he was flirting with.

Jr. had grabbed two of them and rubbed their heads against his crotch.

I told him to get away from the kids and he said, Randy, I like you, boy. He walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. Then he punched me in the stomach.

I bent over from the blow to my stomach, stood up and gave him an uppercut on his chin, knocking him down.

A boy named Paul Bonacci was with Jr.

Our tour continued through the kitchen, where George Jr. and Paul were getting something to eat.

Bush Jr. stood up after I hit him and said oh! Randy’s a fighter! Then he came at me and I rabbit punched him about 5 times in the face before he could throw a punch and he went down.

I grabbed the kids and told Jr to stay down or he would end up in the hospital. He stayed down until I left with the kids and we caught up with the others in our tour group. Jon Voight was in the group before me and found out what had happened. He was afraid that Bush Sr., who was in the CIA at the time, would be mad at him. He invited me into the pool room and when I opened the door I got a beer mug in my face and broke one of my teeth. I got up and started to walk over to Jr but Voight stopped me and said it was over, you have Jr. and now Jr. has you back so this is where it ends! Voight did everything he could to get the little punk to get a cheap revenge shot. which ended up breaking my front tooth at the root leaving me with a dead tooth.

Randal Turner explains the tortures and how they create one or more of his alternate mind control mechanisms.

Not to be confused with Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Although they use techniques that have been identified as the cause of DID, they are not the same.

An MKUltra must be activated by drugs and Alternates called upon by a handler, while a DID or MPD involves a multiple seizure resulting from a traumatic event:

(Randal says he was held and tortured by photojournalist Bill Day, former President Herbert Walker Bush, and former President Jimmy Carter.) Randal responded that all of these people were a bunch of sadistic, psychopathic perverts.

Randy Turner’s account of sexual abuse by Bill Day, Jimmy Carter and Herbert the pervert Walker Bush when he was about 13-14 years old.

Perhaps a week after I beat up Bush Jr. during our tour of the White House, I’m lying in bed and awakened by Bill Day entering the room.

He sat on the bed to my left and grabbed my left arm, then GHW Bush came in and then {Jimmy} Carter came in and I thought, what is the President doing in my bedroom?

Carter gets on the bed and grabs my right arm. I think they shoved long cardboard tubes under my arms so I couldn’t fight back.

Bush says I heard what you did to my boy, you bastard! Bush grabs my testicles and starts crushing them.

I begged them to kill me, the pain was so bad I probably passed out from the pain.

While Bush was torturing me, Bill Day was saying things in my left ear. For example, he said he didn’t trust the police or the authorities. At one point I fainted.

I remember looking down and seeing the poppy sucking on my penis.

Carter said something in my right ear while Bush was trying to sexually stimulate me; he said something about sex with boys, girls, young or old is all good as if he was trying to convince me that there was nothing wrong with sex with young children with older women and men. I don’t remember what they programmed, just the beginning and the rest is a blur.

This took an hour or more, but during one of my trials Bush claimed I was done in 15 minutes.

When you’re being tortured to such extremes, 15 minutes can feel like an hour.

It (popping) is what happens when the brain can’t deal with the pain. A physical change occurs and when this happens you feel and hear a popping sound in your head.

I’m not an expert on how it works, but I do remember a medical professional explaining it to me during my trial. He said that the brain can physically modify itself to block pain receptors in some people.

The victim hears and feels this popping sound in his head.

At this point the Alternatives are created.

These Alternates are given names and have completely different personalities than the person being programmed.

The drugs they use (endocrine chemicals) allow the programmer to send information to the subconscious. When the drugs wear off, the victim will have no memory of what happened, or only a vague recollection of something. Most often, they will relate it to a dream or nightmare, not reality.

Comment: Mind Control is essentially a Rockefeller Zionist project and is carried out primarily on military bases in cooperation with the CIA. The Zionists call themselves ‘Jews’ but are the Synagogue of Satan and mind control is a Satanic project.

Fritz Springmeier has done a lot of research on Mind Control and his PDF books are available for free on the internet.

Tags: Mind ControlMKUltraRothschild Khazarian Mafia & ZionistsSatanic IlluminatiSatanists (ism)Zionist Synagogue of Satan

Henry Vinson mentions in his book Elite Pedophile Politicians that boys are killed for ‘entertainment’.

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