CARE is deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon, September 23, 2024 — Today was the deadliest day in Lebanon in years with 300 simultaneous airstrikes on multiple locations in just one day, killing nearly 500 people and injuring at least 1,500. As rescue efforts continue, this number is expected to rise dramatically. In addition to the mounting civilian casualties, thousands of families are being forced to flee their homes.

More than 100,000 people will be displaced between October 2023 and September 2024. The number of displaced people is expected to increase significantly as a result of Israel’s mass displacement orders for residents of southern Lebanon and the Bekaa.

“The situation here in Lebanon is very tense. All roads leading to Beirut from the south and the Beqaa Valley are now flooded with people trying to flee the bombardment, leaving everything behind. Schools and other places that could serve as shelters for displaced populations are being identified. People have been living in fear for weeks, while the country is already going through a huge economic crisis and is still reeling from the explosion in the port of Beirut four years ago. Civilians are paying the highest price, and women and girls are being hit disproportionately hard. The people of Lebanon need help to deal with this new crisis, and quickly,” explained Michael Adams, CARE Country Director in Lebanon.

Nearly half of the population (44%) was already living below the poverty line in 2024, many suffering from food insecurity. Hospitals were operating on only basic necessities even before today and do not have the resources to deal with a large-scale crisis.

Since October 2023, CARE International in Lebanon has been distributing food packages and ready-to-eat meals to displaced families with the support of eight strategic partners, including local civil society and UN agencies. CARE Lebanon aims to scale up its response to continue providing food and water, as well as non-food items such as pillows, mattresses and blankets to displaced women, men and children. CARE will also continue to work with Lebanese women’s organizations and women’s rights organizations to protect those who have fled their homes from the heightened risk of gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse. This includes distributing much-needed hygiene kits to those who have left their homes with nothing.

We call on all parties to the conflict to immediately de-escalate the situation and agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities. International humanitarian law must prevail. Parties must abide by their obligations to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. “It is shocking to witness once again in this region such complete disregard for international law,” said Hazem Fahmy, Regional Director of CARE in MENA.

All parties must immediately cease hostilities and facilitate safe, unhindered humanitarian access to those in need. “Humanitarian organizations like CARE and our partners cannot reach people under bombardment. Humanitarians must also be protected,” Michael Adams added.

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