Sentencing requests for former high school teacher found guilty of sex crimes

Lawyers can’t agree on how much time they think Ryan Turgeon should spend in jail

In April, the 39-year-old was found guilty of sexual exploitation and making sexually explicit material available to a minor.

The charges related to violations involving one complainant. Turgeon was found not guilty by a jury of alleged violations against a second complainant in the case.

The court heard a short victim impact statement from the complainant, read by Crown Attorney Jayme Lesperance.

The victim, who was in the twelfth grade and about to turn 17, told the court he was naive and confused about his sexuality.

“I shared many things with you because I felt comfortable, and you took advantage of that,” the victim wrote in his statement to Turgeon.

The victim is now a young adult and regrets having made himself vulnerable to his teacher. He feels violated by this.

The victim concluded his statement by telling the court that he hopes Turgeon gets the help he needs.

Lesperance asked Judge Brian Dube to send a strong message to the community: “That crimes against children will be punished with the type of sentences specifically designed to deter and expose the horrific and long-lasting harm done to the victim in this case or in future cases.”

Lesperance said parents should trust that their children are safe at school. But if there is abuse by someone in a position of trust, the judge will impose a severe penalty.

He is demanding a three-year prison sentence for Turgeon.

Attorney Paul Socka has demanded a prison sentence of 12 to 18 months.

He reminded the judge that Turgeon had been found guilty of one offense but not guilty of another.

Turgeon has been under strict bail conditions since 2021. He now works in another field, but that comes with significant restrictions.

Socka believes a prison sentence will be a major deterrent for Turgeon, a first-time offender.

Turgeon declined to speak to the judge at the end of the hearing.

Dube said he will pronounce his sentence on January 21, 2025.

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