How Magnet Forensics Helps Nonprofits Protect Children

Discover the truth. Protect the innocent.

That is the mission that drives Magnet Forensics day in and day out. Along the way, we have always looked for opportunities to support those fighting to protect children.

We are proud to welcome Raven to our ranks. Raven works tirelessly to combat child exploitation in the United States and, in their own words, they “partner with lawmakers, advocates, agencies and organizations willing to challenge the status quo and fight to protect our most vulnerable citizens.”

Raven’s team, which includes CEO John Pizzuro, President John Madsen and other veterans in the fight to protect children, not only identifies funding and resource opportunities for ICAC programs, but also lobbies for legislative and policy changes and shares vital information with law enforcement and the public to help prevent future abuse.

More information about Raven can be found here.

Other partnerships we collaborate with in this mission

Raven is the latest in a series of incredible partners we have had the pleasure of working with over the years in the fight against child exploitation.

We have worked closely with Child Rescue Coalition for many years, including integrating their Neula technology into Magnet Outrider. Learn more about our partnership and the work they do here.

In addition, we are a member of the Internet Watch Foundation and have worked with the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) for many years. This center combats cybercrime in various forms and uses Griffeye in the fight against child pornography.

In an ideal world, these services would never be used, but as long as these terrible crimes exist, we will continue to fight them with these amazing and dedicated teams.

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