Saudi Arabia issues strict warning to Pakistan against sending beggars on Umrah, Hajj visas

The Saudi government has expressed serious concern after scores of Pakistani nationals were caught begging in cities like Mecca and Medina, leading to their deportation

Pakistan faces criticism over beggar issues

In a major diplomatic rejection, Saudi Arabia has called on Pakistan to take immediate action against the influx of beggars enter the kingdom under Umrah And Hajj visaThe Saudi government has expressed serious concerns to assure after scores of Pakistani nationals were caught begging in cities like Mecca And Medinawhich led to their deportation.

Sources within Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs confirm that Saudi authorities have reported a alarming increase in the number of Pakistani beggars who abuse the visa system. A ministry representative said: “Saudi Arabia has warned that if this situation continues, it may have a negative impact on Pakistani Umrah and Hajj pilgrims.”

In response, Pakistan has introduced the ‘Umrah Act’, designed to regulate travel agencies involved in facilitating Umrah travel. This new legislation is intended to stricter overseeing the issuance of visas and ensuring that only legitimate pilgrims enter Saudi Arabia.

The issue is a source of shyness for the Shehbaz Sharif government as talks on this issue were recently held between the Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Saudi envoy Nawaf Bin Said Ahmed Al-MalkiNaqvi assured that strict measures will be taken against the “mafia” responsible for sending beggars to Saudi Arabia.

The Pakistani government has the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FIA) to crack down on networks and travel agencies involved in these activities. “The beggar mafia is harmful “Pakistan’s image,” said Interior Minister Naqvi, stressing the urgent need for reforms.

Concerns extend beyond Saudi Arabia; several Gulf states have tightened their surveillance of Pakistani citizens due to increasing complaints about work ethics, behavior and involvement in criminal activities. Arshad MahmoodMinister of Pakistani Foreigners, noted that these issues significantly damage the reputation of Pakistani workers abroad.

Recently, 11 persons were arrested at Karachi airport and removed from a flight to Saudi Arabia after officials discovered they were planning to beg in the kingdom. This incident underscores the urgent need for Pakistan to address this ongoing challenges and restore its image on the international stage.

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