On complaints about confusing name with multiple spellings

One of Doug Matthew Stewart’s friends, a Swedish man with a penchant for looking at innocent images of children and who for some reason he finds incredibly sexual, has posted the spelling of his real name along with his friend Mike Rothschild.

Phonetically, there is not much difference between Erakson or Erickson or Ericssen. Whatever, as long as Interpol and the US authorities can spell it correctly on the indictment and extradition warrants.

Names are tricky, especially when the people attached to them are among the weakest of Doug’s Blue Balls Gang, who don’t even get a folder to sort through the various tweets I highlight. His work for Weev’s best friend is simply labeled Socks. Fitting, given his penchant for using multiple accounts to criminally harass people. Pedo-Bear-Robin’s last name would require me to look him up regularly, which given the guy’s been making up tweets, posing as one of Doug’s QAnon experts, and leading a so-called controlled opposition, as seen here with one of his glue-eating-sock Frens.

This was during the combined infiltration operation into ThinkinProject, seen by Mike Flynn as an Omega level threat to his plans to radicalize and weaponize people through the psychological operation. Doug, possibly reporting directly to Flynn himself, sent that operation up, sending Lia Spinelli (Lissy), Robin, Matt Donovan, Nicole Chenelle, Libby Shaw, Aubrey Cottle and dozens of Anonymous operatives into the 500+ volunteer mental health organization with the intent of destroying it, collecting its data and destroying those who were not within their operation and who were susceptible to the deradicalization efforts.

Ultimately, Deserae Kane (sp?) Nicole and Matt stole the Discord logs and gave them to Antifa leader Doug Matthew StewAnon Stewart so his evil Blue BallsGang influencers could use them to destroy people. They did this after they had caused a woman to have a mental health crisis by committing suicide in a hospital.

Russia is conducting PsyOps concurrently with MAGA3x, which is primarily led by Mike Flynn with financial and often operational support from the PayPal Mafia, i.e. Musk, Thiel, Giesea, Sacks, etc. Pedo-Bear-Robin primarily operates within the Antifa team. In fact, Q started out as a Russian psyop on an English-language Russian-controlled disinformation website back in 1998 that is still active today. During the 2016 campaign, it was floated to smear Clinton and save Trump by using the persona to undermine the credibility of SoyChicka, an investigator who found a missing person’s file matching “Maria” who Epstein and Trump raped in 1994, as alleged in the Katie Johnson V Trump and Epstein lawsuit. That girl, Marisella Pino, had a last known location listed as Waterbury, CT, outside Nash’s Pizza and Grocery, March 20, 1993, explaining why a team led by Dan Scavino added pizza to the long-running pedo smear now best known as Pizzagate. A year later, Alex Jones admitted on camera that Mike Flynn had adopted QAnon after he told him to and that the Trump campaign had dropped it.

None of the so-called QAnon experts have reported that Mike Flynn is running the operation, despite Jones’ statement and despite the fact that this fact was successfully established in Sarasota, as seen above, after Doug tricked Mike Flynn into suing Jim Stewartson.

Jim will prevail on the four remaining issues, but I would insist that Flynn testify FIRST, before any questions are asked by Doug Stewart and Susan Portnoy, who both admit to working with Flynn.

Like all their operations based on Operation Team Patriot and Team Resistance developed by Yonder Inc formerly New Knowledge, the operations make up more stories that are later posted to smear their target. Here is the sock and Pedo trolling Jim Stewartson to suicide after he had been so helpful earlier.

Let’s move on to another abuser, this one still gets off scot-free by using a 4-year-old’s profile picture that was used by her GamerGate frens as a sexual meme in support of Susan Portnoy, the Russian-American spy best known as KassandraSeven. Here’s Amber Rebekah King abusing my child’s image, confusing her use of far-right Fash ascetic in her suicide trolls with literal fascist as part of her role as Doug’s Blue Balls Gang Antifa.

Yeah, it REALLY bothers me to no end to see all the Blue BallsGang visually identifying themselves in this way. KEEP doing it.

The same goes for “buttressing” the Democratic ticket, which was a turning point after Mike Flynn was rejected, with PayPal Mafia left-hand pick, Thiel partner J.D. Vance. That won’t stop the group from filing search warrants and indictments, but seeing them ultimately universally turn against Trump in the interim after almost never naming the man just makes things more interesting as we wait for the Justice Department to pull the plug on Flynn’s toilet bowl of digital soldiers, along with Boss Q.

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