the main factions of the Kaiju Rhapsody universe


INFINITY COUNCIL: The powerful organization that commands the universe, formed after the cataclysm that occurred 11 thousand years ago. A democratic council formed by the rulers of 88 different planets, and every 10 years, 2 of the 88 members are chosen to be the new members of the Trinity, one will be the military leader of the Galaxy, another will be the diplomatic leader, and the third and most importantly, the religious leader of the Galaxy, who takes about 50 years instead of 10 to be replaced. The Council is the great senate that sovereignly governs the entire Galaxy, a huge federation made up of hundreds of governments. The Council is portrayed as being morally questionable, as it is considered by many people to be corrupt oppressors. The Council is a conglomerate of thousands of people from hundreds of different planets around the Galaxy, every politically relevant race in the Universe has at least one representative within the Council, each planet that makes up the Council exists independently of the Council, but they collaborate and obey to the Council on interplanetary relations. It is very rare for the rulers of the member planets to question the Council’s decisions, as the people who did so did not survive to tell the story. The Council is seen as a symbol of absolute and unquestionable order, due to its expansionist nature, it has always been very common for the Council to enter into conflicts against various peoples who refused to join them, and in most of them, the Council emerged completely triumphant.

INFINITY FEDERATION: The Galaxy’s military pinnacle, an organization of peacemakers, made up of the Galaxy’s greatest soldiers and strategists, who serve as the Galaxy’s police and military force, they face all kinds of threats such as drug dealers, serial killers, terrorists and mobsters . They are divided into squads consisting of 7 soldiers each, and are usually seen escorting a Summorai when they are separated from their crews. The Infinite Federation is a military, exploratory and scientific organization that unconditionally obeys the commands of the Infinite Council. They are the military pinnacle of the Galaxy, an organization of peacekeepers, made up of the greatest soldiers and strategists in the Galaxy, who serve as the police and military force of the Galaxy, they face all types of threats such as drug traffickers, serial killers, terrorists and mobsters. They are divided into squads made up of 7 soldiers each. The Federation emerged together with the Council, 11,000 years ago, just before the Cataclysmic War. The Federation, at the time simply called the “Barlox Federation” was the galaxy’s main line of defense against the threat of the Calculator. Apparently, every planet that has ever come into contact with the Council has at least one Federation operations base deployed on it, with at least 35 soldiers in each one.

BLACKRON EMPIRE: An ancient fascist empire that ruled the Galaxy with iron fist for 10 years 20 years ago. They were banished to Hell, and they took over the place, and now, through a wormhole, they send demons to wreak havoc in the Galaxy. The empire is formed by 15 different races from all corners of the universe, all of them being races that have somehow been defeated and humiliated by the human race. Each race has a role within the Empire, and they are trained from childhood to be as efficient as possible within their roles. The Blackrons are formed by different races and species from different corners of the Universe, all of them are organized in a hierarchical caste system, each caste has its specific function and the individuals of each race are born with a specific function and are trained from the cradle to perform their respective functions. Even trapped in hell, they never stopped being a threat, as through wormholes, they constantly release genetically and cybernetically altered demons to attack various planets, and it is up to the Kaiju Order to face them.

KAIJU ORDER: Kaiju Warriors are superpowered warriors aims to maintain the magical balance of the Universe, traveling the galaxy, exploring diverse planets, and fighting authoritarian governments, corrupt megacorporations, interdimensional monsters, and criminals too powerful for the Federation to handle. Generally, Kaiju Warriors are motivated by knowledge, adventure, fun and money, especially money. Kaiju warriors are often brought into contact with sentient cultures and species, and animal species whose existence was unknown to the Federation. several Kaiju Warriors therefore act as official representatives of the Federation in such cases. Kaiju Warrior ships were also often used to transport ambassadors on diplomatic missions. In addition to fighting criminals and monsters scattered throughout the galaxy and settling galactic disputes, they also act as exterminators, exterminating any and all demons that are causing trouble throughout the Galaxy, serving as mediators, defenders and explorers. Because of their sense of honor and epic challenges they understood that they would become legends, serving as symbols of peace, honor, hope and freedom. All Kaiju Warriors are “warlocks”, warlocks are nothing more than living beings (preferably sapient) that have something called an “emblem”, these emblems are nothing more than the physical manifestation of the magical energy of a living being in the form of a supernatural ability. This ability can be hereditary or awakened/acquired through exposure to mana.

SCYTHE CLAN: Part of the Great Criminal Trinity of the Galaxy, the Scythe Clan is the largest criminal faction in the eastern emisphere of the Galaxy, some believe that they were a type of rebel group of thieves that stole from the rich and gave to the poor, others believe that they were a clan of ninjas who looted villages and abused innocent civilians that they saw in front of them, but the truth is that they are the natural evolution of the Japanese mafias on planet Earth, who, upon coming to planet Wakyo, formed several inter-species alliances, which only they made their influences increase throughout the Universe and finally became the infamous Scythe Clan. But what matters is that today they are one of the three biggest criminal factions in the galaxy. The name “Scythe Clan” came about thanks to an assassin whose real name was lost in history, but who is now known as “Reaper”, who fought and killed using a mysterious scythe, which we no longer know if it was a mystical or highly technological weapon. He was feared throughout the galaxy, and when he took control of the faction, he was responsible for their great increase in power and influence that made them so infamous.

BROSNAK CARTEL: The second pillar of the Galaxy’s criminal trinity, the guys who completely dominate the Galaxy’s black market, moving all types of contraband, such as weapons, drugs and even slaves. The Cartel has dozens of agents infiltrated in the Federation, reselling equipment to gangs and other criminals. Most of the Cartel’s members are war veterans who lost everything after returning home, and had no other option than to surrender to a life of crime, and because of this, the soldiers and assassins who work for the Cartel are known for being completely cold and devoid of feelings, unlike the “honorable” killers of the Scythe Clan.

AZUMA-RYU: A legendary clan of ninjas and samurai whose function is to maintain the balance between the material and spiritual world, which was created hundreds of years ago, right when the first human colonies were established on the planet Wakyo (given as a gift by the Infinity Council to the Japanese government), by martial arts master Akira Takeuchi, who discovered that the entire planet is a bridge between the physical and spiritual planes. They maintain the sacred spiritual balance of the planet, managing to navigate between planes through meditation and severe training, and in addition to navigating between planes, members are also able to invoke and tame guardian spirits that inhabit the planet. In addition to ninjas and samurai, the Azuma-Ryu are also made up of several religious acolytes, who are in charge of the clan’s more peaceful functions. The Azuma-Ryu’s bases of operations are famous throughout the galaxy for being temples located on the tops of the most beautiful mountains in Wakyo.

LA FRATELLANZA: The third pillar of the Galaxy’s criminal trinity, known for being totally extravagant and classy, if the Brosnak Cartel are the sellers, La Fratellanza are the manufacturers, because their leaders are great nobles, aristocrats and owners of industries, they are always producing and providing material for trafficking, and among the criminal trinity, they are the least focused on combat and assassination, as most of their members are scientists and aristocrats.

CYBER-MONKS: A mysterious cult that glorifies technology and demonizes any type of magic, treating anything or being that has magic within itself as something evil that must be exterminated. Having emerged even before the Infinite Council, the Cyber-Monks are one of the oldest factions in the galaxy, appearing on the planet Quatlz (the same planet where the Council came from), the Cyber-Monks roam the Galaxy collecting abandoned technologies from extinct civilizations, to collect your knowledge and increase your military power. Cyber-Monks strongly believe that science is the absolute power of the universe and the simple existence of magic is a complete affront to science, which is why they are on an eternal crusade against magic, hunting magical beings and objects to destroy and study them. their weaknesses, and thanks to their anti-magic nature, they are constantly at war with the Kaiju Order and the Crimson Guild.

CRIMSON GUILD: An ancient guild of wizards who live in the shadows of the galaxy, coordinating their pawns so that everything goes as they plan, it is not known where or when they emerged, but it is known that the leaders are some of the most powerful and ancient wizards in the Galaxy. Having hundreds of schools that train potential members in the arts of red magic, the mysterious type of magic that makes them so powerful, no one outside the schools really knows how red magic works, but there are several theories, such as crimson magic being a strange fusion between divine magic and black magic, as it grants both the more graceful powers of divine magic (such as manipulation of elements) and the more disturbing powers of black magic (such as necromancy). The only ones who are fully aware of the existence of the Guild are the Cyber-Monks, The Trinity and the high-ranking members of the Kaiju Order, several members of the Council (mainly those who represent races and planets prominent in magic) directly obey the leaders. of the Crimson Guild, since its great mission is to have total control of all magic not only in the Galaxy, but in the entire Universe.

ZEN-CORP INDUSTRIES: An ancient human corporation that currently governs 75% of planet Earth, which is present in every imaginable industry, from food to space, and also has a security force as powerful as any military force on an advanced planet. Founded by Robert F. Zenson in 1974, Zen-Corp is a mega-corporation that is basically a conglomerate of dozens of other billion-dollar corporations, in 1985, they bought Microsoft, McDonalds and BMW, as early as 1991, they already bought about half of the big corporations of the old world and became this absolute power that controls the Earth today.

M.R.F (Mega Rescue Force): Created in 1997 by the Infinite Council, the Mega Rescue Force (M.R.F, for short), is an organization focused on rescue, they are like super firefighters who rescue people in any dangerous situation.

GREEN PATROL: An organization of rogues and druids who act as defenders of nature and animals, it is common knowledge that every planet where there is any type of fauna and flora, will have a Green Patrol cell there to defend them. Created on the planet Melek by a mysterious druid back in the Silver Age, the Patrol has already gained a reputation for being benevolent figures who preach the prosperity of life in the Galaxy, at the same time they were, and still are, acclaimed by the population for their acts in favor of nature, they are feared and hated by nobles and CEOs of large corporations, for always ruining their deforestation and pollution schemes. Despite its reputation, the Watch is not an exclusive organization of druids and rogues, as there are several warriors and mages there who are part of the Watch. The Patrol also has a very good relationship with the Azuma-Ryu, as they have very similar purposes, the Patrol cell in Wakyo is basically a subdivision of the Azuma-Ryu

CHROMED HELLSCAPE SYNDICATE: Although they technically fit in as a criminal organization, they are closer to a tribe of marauding pirates, savage and bloodthirsty barbarians, who go from village to village destroying everything, murdering their inhabitants and stealing their resources. Despite operating only in the devastated deserts of planet Earth, they are like demons, evil incarnate, an organization made up entirely of deformed mutants of several different races who somehow ended up on Earth.

UNICORP: A private police force, completely independent of any major galactic government, they operate mainly on planets abandoned by the Council and the Federation, and are financed by Zen-Corp, they are more concerned with obeying the heads of the Zen-Corp than actually protecting the population

submitted by /u/TerribleCost5538
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