Diversity Watch (September 24, 2024)


  • Polish Pennsylvanians back Kamala Harris despite concerns about Putin and Ukraine

    Tell us again about this attractive fiction of “assimilation” or “integration.” It turns out that any group that perceives itself to be different tends to vote like other diversity groups, that is, against the majority.

  • Shock in Le Tréport: the 400-year-old stone cross has been destroyed

    Rumor has it that this 400-year-old monument has been destroyed by recent immigrants.

  • US sends more troops to Middle East as violence between Israel and Hezbollah increases

    Perhaps Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will get the war they need to avoid defeat in the upcoming election. That way, they can keep the flow of illegals going while the war rages. Israel eventually got tired of Hezbollah supplying Hamas and retaliated in an ongoing diversity conflict that has spanned three millennia. One wonders if the Abrahamic religions’ fixation on this conflict has not imported it to the West.

  • Letters indicate that the Aspen Grove apartment complex was closed so that the owner could regain control of the property.

    The apartment complex, which was owned by Venezuelan gangs and which official experts deny was ever taken over by Venezuelan gangs, became so out of control due to gang violence that the owners closed it down.

  • Complaints about transgender using women’s toilets, winning title in girls’ sport deemed hate speech by Soros-tied Facebook censorship board

    Diversity Leftists want to use transsexuals as a yardstick to beat down anyone who still won’t comply. You either accept that men are women or you’re censored, unless they can use that to land you in a mental institution.

  • New research reveals how much influence world powers have on the economy

    The stock market is driven by political actions in the US and China, not by the markets. You don’t have capitalism; you have socialism with a market system grafted onto it.

  • Archaeologists discover southern army that fought in ‘Europe’s oldest battle’

    The old world wars in Europe show us how fragile civilizations can be.

  • Albania’s Prime Minister has announced plans to establish a 27-hectare sovereign state for a Sufi Muslim order in Tirana.

    The seeds have been sown for future centuries of Islamist attempts to take over Europe and Kosovo-style diversity wars.

  • Studying fossil extraction on indigenous lands and exploring the depths of unknown histories

    Scientists want museums to repatriate fossils to “Native” (Amerind) lands because hundreds of millions of years after these fossilized creatures died, Native Americans had something to say about them. No wonder most fallen civilizations have no history; they destroy them when they die.

  • The ‘publish or perish’ mentality is driving retractions of research papers and undermining science

    Careerism has destroyed science. To stand out, you have to publish something astonishing and brave, and most of those are unrealistic.

  • Son of suspect in Trump assassination attempt arrested on child sex abuse charges: FBI

    Another well-adjusted left-wing family struggling with mental health issues and abuse.

  • EU pushes for migrant deal with Starmer that will create legal routes to the UK for asylum seekers: France and Germany lead campaign to capitalise on PM’s bid to ‘reset’ post-Brexit relations

    Brussels wants to govern through diversity votes, just like Biden-Harris does. They rationalize this as “good” because they can finally apply “scientific” management, like socialism.

  • Ant queens cannibalize and ‘recycle’ their sick offspring, new research shows

    Eugenics in nature. If we turn sick people into hot dogs, no one will go hungry for a while. Costco can sell them for $0.49 and revive the economy. Even cells practice eugenics.

  • ‘Unprecedented aggression and violence’ – Migrant clan family beats hospital staff, riots in German city of Essen

    You can’t have functional first-world institutions everywhere where diversity exists.

  • Pro-police coffee house owner wins $4 million in free speech lawsuit against university officials

    Left-wing people have been discriminating against non-left-wing people for decades, but now the tipping point of resistance is finally in sight.

  • Jury rejects voter intimidation claims against most ‘Trump Train’ drivers in 2020 Biden-Harris bus showdown

    The left-wing headlines fail to achieve their ambitious goal of permanent distraction.

  • Amazon: Who Should Pay for Its Protection?

    Incompetent ruins of corrupt third world mixed race civilizations cannot protect the natural environment.

  • Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni honors Western values ​​in speech to Atlantic Council, discusses professional ties with Elon Musk

    Now that the diversity bomb is exploding, Europe is increasingly willing to save the West for its intrinsic value.

  • As Germany suffers job losses, Berlin masks industrial crisis with massive government hiring spree

    Democracy was bankrupted by spending, then the economy was sacrificed to fill the void. Now they are trying to hide the failure with disguised stimulus spending.

  • How NYC’s ‘sanctuary city’ status allows the bloodthirsty Tren de Aragua migrant gang to thrive in the Big Apple’s shelters

    Diversity seems like a good way to destroy your city, country and possibly yourself.

  • Germany: AfD extends streak of successes in Brandenburg

    Germans don’t believe post-war propaganda anymore. Means-over-ends thinkers are shocked that this could mean WW3. Let’s hope for more common sense and purpose for the new far-right.

  • Germany: Police operations in southwest target human traffickers

    Germany’s Eastern European diversity is leading to an alarming rise in modern slavery.

  • Missing American hiker found dead in South Africa

    A single white woman ventures into the wilderness in a park that has warned hikers not to do so because of a potential crime problem. The result is a grim predictability.

  • Poland accepts 15,545 migrants from Germany, with sharp increase in returns in past 3 months

    Immigration has swallowed up all the extra money, and the collapsing German democracy therefore wants to get rid of as many migrants as possible.

  • Colorado supermarket shooter sentenced to life in prison

    Another diversity shooting that quickly faded from the media is having a brief resurgence.

  • At least 4 dead as migrant ship sinks off Greek island

    If anyone in Europe cared about these deaths, they would simply stop allowing migrants in, thus stopping future attempts.

  • Indiana State cancels Rich Lowry speaking engagement after false accusation of racism

    Man mispronounces the word ‘migrants’ and immediately gets a horde of well-meaning illiterates to want to cancel him.

  • How migrant gang Tren de Aragua lures women into forced prostitution in 8 states, including New York’s ‘Market of Sweethearts’

    The end result of feminist support for the Democrats is becoming clear.

  • Malaysian police rescue 187 more children as investigation into Islamist group’s sex abuse deepens

    Wherever diversity occurs, rape and pedophilia are used as weapons of war against the majority of the population.

  • Portland State students ordered to foot part of $1.2 million bill after anti-Israel protesters vandalize library

    All costs are inevitably passed on to the consumer.

  • US to ban Chinese technology in cars

    Xenophobia is common sense: every other group is really trying to kill you to feel more powerful. Instead of just discriminating against the Chinese, we should consider abolishing labor unions so we can make our own cars again.

  • ‘Restoring order’: New French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau signals rightward shift

    Centuries after entire families were guillotined, France is slowly discovering the truth about leftist ideology: it is a pathology, not an ideology.

  • Undermine America

    The collapse of the border has undermined American power and damaged its international reputation.

  • The Battle for the BRICS

    The Third World has formed a bloc to defeat the First World, an echo of the French and Russian revolutions.

  • How Mao Outsmarted Madison in America’s K-12 Classrooms

    China is promoting Marxist education in American classrooms and somehow the Democrats were okay with it.

  • Thousands of people protest across India demanding repeal of labour laws

    India introduces anti-union laws to protect its future prosperity from the greed of workers.

  • Haitian nonprofit in Springfield files criminal charges against Donald Trump and JD Vance

    The latest lawfare attempts start with Trump referencing Haitian immigrants eating cats. Pro Tip: He referenced a video during a city council meeting, so he was pretty confident in what he was saying.

  • Minority doctors more likely to treat poor patients

    Minority physicians treat more Medicaid patients on average.



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