Mafia plot to discredit Ministry of Works lawyer Andrew Muhangi fails

As the manager of the digital license plate project, Muhangi always gave technical advice on what was feasible, achievable and possible within the given time limits without any fear or favors. In a bid to save their face and skin, some of the selfish government officials involved tried to appease and mislead the President by saying that the digital license plate project would be ready to be rolled out as early as March and Muhangi was one of the few selfless and truthful government officials who respectfully objected saying that it was too early. The promise was then rescheduled to June this year which still failed due to logistical complications especially those arising from the never ending Russo-Ukrainian war.

Eventually, senior government officials realized and began to concede in high-level meetings that more time was needed, just as Muhangi had urged, prompting the President to give the Ministries of Public Works and Security more time until November; otherwise, rushing the matter would become a very embarrassing scandal for the GoU. The assumption is that by then, namely November 2024, the technical capabilities will be in place to enable the GoU to produce digital number plates for up to 2.2 million vehicles.

The digital number plate innovation, technically ITMS (Intelligence Transport Monitoring System), is aimed at improving the fight against modern-day crime on Uganda’s roads, especially among persistent criminals who primarily use boda vehicles to evade arrest after committing a crime.

The President’s eventual realization that more time was needed to complete the ITMS project (and continued to grant more time until November) vindicated Muhangi immensely but at the same time aroused his enemies and haters who at one point even considered liquidating and eliminating him. The young man simply knows a lot about the dirty deals of some haters and yet he is incorruptible. The type who cannot be mudsled and is allowed to tap. Not many people at his age would turn down lucrative offers that Andrew Muhangi has received in his less than 15 years of service as a government employee.

The passionate Rotarian has also had haters target him through fabricated news reports that try to portray him as richer than he actually is. As a Rotarian, Counsel Muhangi is involved in many social activities including attending Rotary meetings including one that was recently held at his rented house in Luzira. He also travels with other Rotarians from time to time to spread Rotary’s charitable message across the world. This also hurts haters who play on such things to portray him as someone who lives a lavish life when he does not.

Haters even from within his workplace have previously made wild claims against him by reporting things to the sector ministers, the permanent secretary Waiswa Baligeya, only to exonerate the young man from Bushenyi. In fact, his work ethic and integrity is something that even some sector ministers have testified about from time to time.

Like many other hardworking and straight-talking civil servants in modern-day Uganda, Andrew Muhangi has been accused of things he knows nothing about on multiple occasions only to be acquitted by state investigative agencies including those where all government employees are required to file their asset and liability declarations; many of these acquittals are even in writing, leaving haters to die in their respective movies. Andrew Muhangi, a highly qualified young government employee, has always deliberately kept his head high because, now in his 30s, he is a rising star with a bright future ahead of him in and outside the government service. Those who have known him long enough say that Andrew Muhangi, who has been investigated and acquitted on multiple occasions, is also a very principled person by nature.

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