“Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is in his sole interest – to expand his mafia state into a mafia empire”: British statement to UN Security Council

President Zelenskyy, the United Kingdom commends you not only for standing up for your people, but also for standing up for democracy.

When I saw you in Kiev a few weeks ago with Secretary Blinken, I saw ordinary people from all walks of life. The soldiers and the civilians. The firefighters and the emergency workers.

The mothers and fathers who stand together in defense of freedom. Your bravery and courage are an inspiration to us all.

But Mr. President, I also want to speak directly to the Kremlin and its representative here today. And Vladimir Putin.

Russia is in this Council. But its actions are tearing up the UN Charter.

Russia sits in this Council. But this past weekend we saw it submit amendments designed to destroy the future of the UN.

Russia claims to stand for the Global South. But it is trampling on international law.

Vladimir Putin, if you fire missiles at Ukrainian hospitals. We know who you are.

If you send mercenaries to African countries. We know who you are.

If you kill opponents in European cities. We know who you are.

Your invasion is in your own interest. Only in your interest. To expand your mafia state into a mafia empire. An empire built on corruption.

Robbing the Russian people and Ukraine. An empire built on suppressing dissent. Brave opponents like Navalny.

An empire built on lies. Spreading disinformation at home and abroad to sow chaos.

Mr President, I do not speak just as a Briton, as a Londoner and as Foreign Secretary.

But I say to the Russian representative, who I have on the phone right now, that I also stand here as a black man whose ancestors were taken from Africa in chains, at gunpoint, to be enslaved, whose ancestors rose up and fought in a great uprising of the enslaved.

Imperialism. I know it when I see it. And I will call it what it is.

This week, as I talk to other partners around the world about our common future and the future of the UN, Russia is trying to take us back to a world of the past.

A world of imperialism. A world of redrawing borders by force. A world without the UN Charter.

We cannot let this happen. Ukraine’s struggle is important to all of us. The UK will remain Ukraine’s staunchest supporter.

Because, Mr. President, this is what’s at stake.

If we allow an imperialist to redraw the borders by force, these will not be the last borders that are redrawn.

If we let an imperialist deny a nation its path, Ukraine will not be the last state to be subjected to it. Maduro will be emboldened and will go to Guyana next.

So let me be clear. We want peace in Ukraine. We want it for the Ukrainian people.

As President Zelenskyy said, it must be a peace that respects the fundamental principles of the United Nations.

The principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as enshrined in this UN Charter. The Charter of the United Nations. Putin’s Russia wants to unravel it. We want to uphold it. And we will.

As President Zelensky said, the UN Charter will prevail.

Slava Ukraine!

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