Chicago gang members ‘fed up’ with violent Venezuelan ‘migrants’ coming in

Current and former black gangsters living in Chicago warn of the coming madness as criminal aliens continue to invade their city.

“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegality and criminal activity of these immigrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago will go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed takes place in the streets,” former gang member Tyrone Muhammad told the New York Post.

“It will be blacks against migrants,” he added.

Muhammad, 53, is an ex-convict who served 20 years in state prison for murder. He now runs a street patrol and violence prevention program called Ex-Cons for Community and Social Change.

According to Muhammad, Venezuelan criminals are flooding local shelters, seizing apartment buildings and taking advantage of local resources/money, infuriating Chicago’s black population.

“The latest figures show that Chicago has spent nearly half a billion dollars over the past two years on the more than 42,000 migrants who have arrived since 2022,” the Post said.

“Many have received money for rent, food stamps and even cars — and some landlords have pushed out local African Americans because they can get more government money to house immigrants,” the Post said.

And many, many, many of the criminal aliens are reportedly affiliated with Tren de Aragua (TDA), a violent prison gang that’s tougher than MS-13. They can be seen on the streets, particularly in Chicago’s gang-ridden Southside, heavily armed.

“Members of the TDA flashing gang signs and wearing their favorite uniforms — Chicago Bulls T-shirts and hats — were seen outside the Standard Club migrant shelter downtown, where two local Chicago police officers (said) they were attempting to break into a local gang’s drug corner near a 7-11 store,” the Post reported.

According to Terry Newsome, a local activist, the club has recorded at least 720 police incidents involving sex trafficking, child pornography, drugs, carjackings, weapons and domestic violence in the past 12 months, thanks to Freedom of Information Act requests he filed with Muhammad’s help.

“The real problem is that America has allowed gangs to come into our country,” a young Gangster Discipline, David, angrily told the Post. “Gangs that they would consider ex-terrorist groups. They’re letting terrorist groups into our country!”

Worse yet, city officials are reportedly targeting these criminal aliens, many of whom are gang members, at the expense of local residents.

“There’s a lot going on with (the migrant gangs) that no one even hears about,” said another young gangster, Zacc Massie. “They’re moving around our own territory and robbing people, but they’re not getting arrested like we are.”

“I even spoke to one of them through the translator app. He told me everything he did; how they helped him get a car, an apartment, an (EBT) card, all that stuff. They gave them thousands, we get maybe $400 a month. And they don’t even have a social security number!” he added.

It doesn’t help that Venezuelans all seem united, while the black gangs are divided and some are even at war with each other.

“What bothers me is that Venezuelans are united,” Black P Stone gang member Corey Rogers told the Post. “The black gangs are too divided and they’re taking each other out.”

Charles Harris, a fellow gangster from the same “organization,” noted that fighting between the black gangs had subsided before the Venezuelans arrived.

“It’s still violent here, but it’s a lot quieter,” he said. “Before, we would get shot if we went there. It’s a lot quieter now. The last thing we need is the Venezuelans.”

In addition to running a street patrol and violence prevention program, Muhammad is also a staunch Trump supporter. He founded Ex-Cons for Trump because he believes the Democrats have failed his people.

“It’s not so much Trump himself, it’s the Democrats selling us down the river,” he said. “The bougie blacks may like Kamala Harris, but she’s not going to do anything for us.”

That’s true.


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