Las gallinas han vuelto a casa para posarse – Dissident thoughts

The chickens have come home to roast. And sheeit. I used Google Translate because I don’t speak Mexican, so that translation may not be accurate.

For decades blacks have been the pet of the Democratic Party. In the 60s it was Democratic presidents who pushed the Civil Rights Act, first JFK who was blocked and then Lyndon Johnson who used the assassination of Kennedy, certainly not by the CIA, to push through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and then the Voting Rights Act. Of course LBJ also signed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 or Hart-Celler, a bill that would have cleared the way to flood America with non-whites who would compete with blacks, but as usual blacks did not have the foresight to see that coming, only that they would have a rich menu of gibs coming their way.

It’s not that Lyndon Johnson liked blacks, he was known to use the word nigger rather liberally, referring to an earlier “Civil Rights” law in 1957 as “the nigger law” and supposedly stating that passing that law would ensure that niggers would vote Democrat for 200 years, although that quote is up for debate. Whether he said it in those exact words or not, the end result is known. In election after election, blacks have turned out to vote Democrat, often in percentages around 90%. Republicans have chased that elusive black vote, but to no avail, and since blacks famously only make up about 13% of the population, that means that chopping off a percentage here and there doesn’t have all that much impact on an election. Certainly nowhere near the impact of boosting white voter turnout, a lesson Trump and co have apparently yet to grasp.

Why blacks vote so overwhelmingly for Democrats is no mystery. While white voters tend to vote on issues, gun rights or abortion, gay rights or tax policy, positions on defense or foreign policy, that is not what drives blacks. What drives blacks to vote Democratic is what is colloquially known on the Dissident Right as “gibs,” as in “gibsmedat.”


It really is that simple. Who promises to gib them? Democrats and Republicans can never out-Gib the Democrats. That is why black “leaders” like various black celebrities and “civil rights activists” will urge blacks to show up and vote Democrat and it always comes down to the gibs.

That sort of worked for blacks for a long time as the largest non-white voting group. As a Democratic politician, you couldn’t get the nomination or win an election without promising the gibs. To blacks, the other issues didn’t matter much, which explains why fawning over fags didn’t really matter to blacks, because they didn’t care as long as the gibs kept flowing (and besides, a lot of black men are secret fags, like Diddy. See: It’s not just HIV). But along the way something happened that the blacks simply could not foresee….

At the turn of the century, mestizos passed blacks in the US census. The actual percentage is of course much higher, but the official figures show that the change in ranking occurred in 2000 and while the black percentage has remained fairly stable at just under 13%, mestizos were officially almost 19% in 2020 and in terms of the total number of people living in the US, including the tens of millions of illegal immigrants? It is plausible that the actual percentage of mestizos in America is double that of blacks.

This has created some problems for blacks, who are discovering the inconvenient truth proclaimed by their revered (and certainly not secret) leader Barack Hussein Obama: elections have consequences. By voting Democrat without thinking much about what the Democrats did other than take from whites and give to blacks, blacks now find themselves politically diminished. While some black leaders claim that any “person of color” is good because they’re not white, it turns out that mestizos and blacks don’t like each other very much either.

One of my truths to live by is that as whites become a minority in the country we founded and built, the non-white majority will no longer be so focused on their hatred of us and will begin to bicker with each other over the shrinking pool of gibs. For those blacks and mestizos who are more diligent, in an age where AI and automation are replacing many low-skilled jobs, they will find themselves competing with each other more than they do with whites. There are many jobs that even today are closed to people below a certain intelligence threshold and blacks will be competing with an ever-increasing number of mestizos for the jobs they can do, and the mestizos will do those jobs cheaper and better.

For the criminal types? This has been all over the news the past few days:

After serving 20 years in state prison for murder, former gang member Tyrone Muhammad never expected to return to the city’s rough South Side and find Venezuelan migrants and the Tren de Aragua criminal gang.

But Muhammad, 53, who has gone straight and runs a street patrol and violence prevention program called Ex-Cons for Social Change, says Venezuelan criminal gangs overrunning shelters and taking over apartment buildings are the last straw for the struggling African-American community. He says they are angry that government money is going to what they call “non-citizens.”

“There is no way we can let gang members and criminals come into our country through the borders and the broken walls and infiltrate our community that is already impoverished and broken,” Muhammad told The Post last week on the O Block, a stretch of South King Drive considered the most dangerous in the city.

If the black gangs here get tired of the illegality and criminal activities of these immigrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago will go up in flames. and the National Guard and the government can do nothing when the bloodshed takes place in the streets. It will be blacks against migrants.


There’s a lot to unpack there.

What makes these “activists” angry is that “migrants,” or illegal aliens, are getting freebies from the government that they, as the privileged dependent race, should be getting. Instead, blacks stand on the sidelines and watch as illegal mestizos are given phones, housing, food, and cash that blacks believe is rightfully theirs.

How annoying for you.

“The real problem is that America has let gangs into our country,” said David, a young member of the Gangster Disciples, as he stood on a corner where drugs are sold, just off Martin Luther King Blvd.

“Gangs that they would consider ex-terrorist groups. They are letting terrorist groups into our country!” he shouted angrily to the Post.

I gotta laugh that black gangsters are pissed off because mestizos commit crimes. Nigga, y’all been committing gang crimes for decades! That’s why y’all in a gang in the first place.

In 2024, blacks are tired of being a boring girlfriend, while the elite try out the new chica in town.

I can’t say I feel sorry for them, they got what they voted for and now they are suffering the consequences because mestizos are pushing blacks out of the left’s sight. Now mestizos are even taking over their criminal territory and their neighborhoods. I still can’t get over this huge shift in Compton, California…

The former home of the South Central rap scene is now packed with mariachi bands.

The tide has turned and blacks are getting what they voted for, good and hard. It couldn’t have happened to nicer people. That doesn’t change the fact that we are now flooded with mestizos and the new “migrants” seem much more criminally inclined than the gardeners and tomato pickers when I was growing up. We are all going to suffer if mestizos continue to flood America, but blacks? They are going to suffer the most.

It’s your job to make sure you’re not around when the blood runs through the streets.

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