‘It’ll be blacks against migrants’: Chicago residents warn of coming violent turf wars with Venezuelans

Chicago gang members and ex-cons are warning of coming violent turf wars with recently arrived Venezuelan migrants who are part of the notorious Tren De Aragua (TDA) gang.

Like other cities in the US, Chicago is being flooded with migrants amid the ongoing border crisis. An estimated 48,000 migrants have arrived in the city since 2022, most of them from Venezuela.

“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegality and criminal activities of these immigrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago will go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed takes place in the streets,” Tyrone Muhammad, an ex-convict and former gang member, told the New York Post.It will be blacks against migrants.”

Members of TDA are taking over Chicago territory, residents said. They also receive hefty social benefits, further angering residents and gang members who say the money should go to Chicago citizens who suffer.

“The real problem is that America has allowed gangs to come into our country,” one former gang member told the Post. “They are letting terrorist groups into our country!”

Residents say TDA gang members and other migrants are pouring into their shelters, taking over more apartments and displacing Chicagoans.

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Displacement is also happening elsewhere, such as in Springfield, Ohio, where Haitian migrants, subsidized by taxpayers, sometimes pay $3,000 a month on rent that citizens cannot pay.

It is unclear how many TDA gang members are in the city, although authorities have confirmed that they are present. With Venezuelan immigrants, U.S. officials are not considering their criminal past. Cuba, China and some other countries do not share a criminal record with the US, making it impossible for authorities to know who is a criminal.

Last year, some 330,000 Venezuelans crossed the southern border. Nearly a million have attempted to enter the U.S. so far during the Biden-Harris administration.

TDA migrant gang members are causing problems in other parts of the country as well. As governor of a border state, Texas’ Greg Abbott is on the front lines of cracking down on the gang.

“TDA is notorious for their brutal violence and murder, and their kidnapping, extortion, bribery, and drug, gun and even human trafficking,” Governor Abbott said during a press conference last week.

“They are linked to over 100 law enforcement investigations across the country,” the governor continued. “They were involved in the brutal assault and beating of New York Police Department law enforcement officers. Reports have also linked TDA to the murder of Laken Riley.”

There are also reports and shocking images of alleged migrant TDA gang members in Aurora, Colorado. One man told CNN that condemned buildings he owns in Aurora have been taken over byand TDA gang members. A shocking video also circulated online from an apartment complex showing armed men walking through the hallways and kicking open an apartment door.

Authorities in Aurora, who have largely tried to downplay some of these shocking reports, have made arrests in connection with the apartment complex incident and have admitted that possible these men are linked to TDA. They noted that it is difficult to confirm the connection since Venezuela does not share criminal background information with the U.S.

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