Villains, Villains Everywhere – The American Spectator | US News and PoliticsThe American Spectator

I I was going to use today’s column to reflect on Scott Pinsker’s interesting essay from yesterday at PJ Media, titled, “Is MAGA a Political Movement or Is It a Revolution? Here’s Your Sneak Peek into America’s Future,” but I decided there was something bigger I should write about.

Pinsker’s answer to his own question is that MAGA is a movement that needs to be a revolution, and I’m not saying he’s wrong about that. I think I would use different terminology, because MAGA generally implies a counterrevolution.

The revolution has already happened.

Pinsker says it happened in response to Donald Trump winning the 2016 election. That’s not quite right. The revolution was Barack Obama taking over the Democratic Party and forcing the transition from liberalism to outright neo-communism — Obamanism, if you will — and then doing the same to the country as a whole.

And this was such a comprehensive reorientation of the political marketplace that here we are, almost 20 years later, still with the possibility that Kamala Harris — a carbon copy of a carbon copy of an Obama, with no discernible political skills or acumen, let alone leadership qualities of any significance — could be elected president.

Harris is a cipher. She is a puppet of a dark regime that has taken over the institutions of power in this country. That regime is bipartisan — sort of. There are “Republicans” who used to call themselves conservatives who now support her — on my site The hay wagon ride On Friday I talked about the despicable swamp rat Charles Boustany, one of former House Speaker John Boehner’s henchmen, who signed on to a letter drafted by his fellow elite pimps to support a candidate who (despite the lies she’s currently telling to cover her tracks) supports a ban on hydraulic fracturing, free sex reassignment surgery for prisoners and illegal aliens, a tax on unrealized capital gains, a ban on plastic straws, and a ban on deporting criminals from other countries.

It’s bizarre.

In fact, as I keep saying here in this place, it’s villainous.

In America, we are increasingly confronted with villains in our cultural and political life.

Consider the unfolding story of one Ryan Routh, a sick would-be assassin who waited for Trump for some 12 hours on the fifth green of the Trump International Gold Club in Palm Beach, only to miss his chance to take out the former president because a Secret Service agent happened to see the barrel of Routh’s gun sticking out of a chain-link fence. No one bothered to secure the perimeter of that golf course, a suspicious display of incompetence that miraculously did not prove fatal for Trump.

Routh may have been an over-flamboyant version of the average modern Democrat, whose Trump Derangement Syndrome has gone through the roof. In a manifesto/suicide note that surfaced over the weekend and echoed much of the rhetoric of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over the past three years or so, Routh claimed the mantle of amiability and civility in defending his intended assassination of the GOP presidential nominee — a behavior that’s shockingly common among ostensibly respectable and upscale pretenders to cultural power. You can find his demeanor fairly often among shoppers at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, dog walkers in nice neighborhoods in blue cities, and on select and expensive college campuses.

And you also find it in the government and in the media.

Another thing that was in Routh’s manifesto letter was a $150,000 reward offered to anyone who could “get the job done” of taking down Trump. Now, there’s no evidence that Routh has the means to pay that amount, although there was apparently a GoFundMe that someone ran on his behalf so that he could successfully recruit mercenaries for the war effort in Ukraine.

But the astonishing thing, as Donald Trump Jr. noted, was that the FBI released the letter with the offered bounty unedited.

And then the mainstream media ran with it!

So now there’s a public bounty on Trump’s head for the next would-be assassin to find. That the bounty is hypocritical at best is beside the point; not long ago, it would have been considered scandalous to spread such dangerous information about a presidential candidate.

Now? It’s as obvious as attempted murder itself.

And when Elon Musk points out that no one is encouraging the murder of Harris, he is attacked by idiots like Keith Olbermann for inciting political violence.

No sooner had Routh’s reward letter hit the news than it was revealed that he had a list of places Trump would be in the coming weeks.

And then his son got arrested for child pornography. That’s a pretty good way to make sure he doesn’t offend his father, right? Or, if we do it the other way around, maybe someone motivated Routh to act as a would-be assassin with the threat of his son being exposed.

Although I’m sure Ryan Routh, the international mystery buff, was just a well-informed loner.

That arrest of Oran Routh would make for a nice segue into the Sean Combs story, on the eve of what will likely be a series of revelations that expose much of the entertainment industry as a vast sex-exploitation factory that makes Harvey Weinstein look like a wayward Presbyterian deacon on the town. But I’ll save that cancer for now, except to note that singer Pink sure gave a passionate performance at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago just a few weeks before she was forced to delete most of her social media posts as the Combs scandal exploded last week.

The government shares the same morals as Hollywood, but it doesn’t necessarily look as good.

We are being overrun with child sexual abuse, just as we are being overrun with sex trafficking in general. Nearly 300,000 migrant children are being reported missing by border authorities under the watch of Harris and the Biden administration and the cabal that pulls their strings; what percentage of those do you think have been dragged into “sex work”?

You know as well as I do that it is not a small part.

In a decent country, this would be a scandal so big that we would talk about little else. Instead, it gets scant attention from a news media whose members are occasionally busted for their own contributions to the child sex trafficking and child sex trafficking that a Democratic Party (with Republican accomplices, to be sure) is running away from, riddled with pedophiles (or at least pedophile allies), including the current puppet in the White House.

‘Villainness’ is a very good word to describe this horror.

But if they’re not importing migrants to boost your morale, the powers that be are bringing them in to bring you down economically. JD Vance’s brilliant promotion of cat-eater memes was actually a soft touch in exposing the social problems caused by mass migration of Haitians, Venezuelans and others among the world’s poor — as we saw in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, a small town that was flooded with migrants to work in local food processing plants, displacing Americans and depressing wages…

And when ordinary Americans object, you get this kind of out-of-touch nonsense. Bloomberg:

Bloomberg News analyzed immigration court records obtained by researchers at Syracuse University to find out where the 1.8 million asylum seekers and refugees who arrived in the U.S. in 2023 have settled…

Migrants arriving in swing states and elsewhere in the US are primarily moving to districts that voted for President Joe Biden in 2020.

In the swing states that will determine the November election, about 72% of migrants in 2023 went to Biden counties, while less than a third went to Trump counties, the Bloomberg analysis found. Counties that voted for Biden four years ago are home to about 60% of the total U.S. population.

Swing states received 12% of all migrants, most of whom went to blue counties such as Philadelphia, home to Pennsylvania’s largest city, and Gwinnett, which is outside Atlanta.

As in previous generations, migrants are going to places with growing local economies, bolstering the labor force in places that are already booming. In swing states, 85% of migrants settled in places that saw GDP growth from 2019 to 2022, according to the latest available data….

These newcomers are unlikely to become US citizens before the election and so they will not vote themselves.

Ace of Spades had the correct answer to this…

It’s a particularly sickening demand to make, given that local employment in the city you’re talking about has collapsed due to deindustrialization, that is, the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to the Third World.

But let’s flood this already low employment city with lots of illegals who are willing to work for a paltry sum. That will really help the locals thrive!

How much clearer could Bloomberg be that they are making a case that liberals can get what they want politically – a never-ending flood of “new voters” from the Third World – as long as those filthy foreigners are locked up with the filthy white working class.

We also learn that the Biden administration is busy accelerating George Soros’ takeover of talk radio, another milestone on the road to suppressed national discourse. And yet another mismanaged supply chain is exposed as dockworkers prepare to strike. Meanwhile, the Biden administration now wants to send troops to the Middle East to somehow contain the war between Israel and Iran (can we finally call it what it really is?); there’s no reason to believe that won’t backfire, and perhaps even intentionally so.

All of these things fit into a pattern, namely the creation through action and inaction of a demoralized and desperate society that is poorer, more ignorant, more unhappy and more desperate than ever.

And when the people driving that pattern tell you that “we cannot go back” to an America that is not under their thumb, with the not-so-implicit threat that any attempt to do so will be met with even greater violence than that which Trump is constantly threatened with, you must be very clear that they are villains.

And act to stop them.

We hope to see you at the polls on or before November 5.


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