International conference against drugs kicks off in Athens

An international conference on combating drug trafficking opened today in the Greek capital, bringing together representatives from 132 countries.

The event, jointly organized by the Greek Ministry of Civil Protection and the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), aims to strengthen global cooperation against drug cartels.

In his opening speech, Greek Minister for Civil Protection Michalis Chrysochoidis stressed the importance of international cooperation in the fight against drugs.

“We must work together to reduce and ultimately eradicate this scourge,” he said, stressing the need for better information sharing and operational coordination.

Chrysochoidis highlighted the growing threat posed by synthetic drugs and the role of international criminal networks in the trafficking of illicit substances.

He advocated a multifaceted approach that includes cooperation between law enforcement agencies, financial investigations and technological advances.

DEA Chief Anne Milgram stressed the importance of international cooperation, noting that drug trafficking is becoming increasingly sophisticated and that there is a need for innovative strategies to combat it.

The conference is expected to produce recommendations for strengthening global cooperation against drug trafficking and addressing emerging challenges in this area.

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