Violent Venezuelan Gang Recruits New Members in New York

Lawmakers across the country are warning that a hostile Venezuelan gang is operating in the state and actively seeking new members.

A gang known as an “agent of chaos and terror throughout Central and South America” ​​is believed to be crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. Tren de Aragua is a transnational criminal organization and the largest criminal organization in Venezuela.

San Antonio Congressman Tony Gonzales warned in July that as many as 1,000 Tren de Aragua gang members had already flooded into the country and that the gang was spreading north toward Illinois and New York.

Gonzales said the gang is involved in drug trafficking and human trafficking and plans to control both branches in the country.

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“Tren de Aragua is the epitome of evil (…) this gang is known for raping children, committing murders and causing widespread chaos,” he said in a recent statement.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott was even more blunt, calling the gang “MS 13 on steroids.”

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Tren de Aragua began in Venezuelan prisons and has grown in power ever since. Since coming to the United States, members have been linked to gun running, shootings, robberies and drug trafficking.

The gang also appears to be taking over apartments and hotels. Recently, a property in Aurora, Colorado, was seized for hours.

New York has arrested several members of Tren de Aragua, and recent incidents have linked them to a series of robberies at high-end stores, as confirmed by the New York Times. Two members were arrested in February for assaulting police officers.

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US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sources have attributed the expansion of this “bloodthirsty” gang to immigrant-friendly policies. In particular, they told the New York Post that NYC’s “sanctuary city” status has allowed the gang to grow unchecked.

Sanctuary cities that restrict or deny cooperation with federal agents enforcing immigration laws. New York City was codified as an established sanctuary city about 10 years ago under former Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The measure prohibits city police and corrections and probation departments from cooperating with ICE agents unless the suspect is a terrorist.

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This means that in some cases, authorities may not detain wanted illegal immigrants or notify federal agents that a fugitive is in their area.

ICE sources told the Post: “It was an unintended consequence of this administration’s policies.”

According to ICE agents, the gang has infiltrated New York’s shelter system and is actively seeking new members.

Offices are also not allowed to patrol shelters housing asylum seekers under Sanctuary City law unless there is a 911 call or a warrant or summons.

One example of this was a recent raid on the Randall’s Island migrant shelter after agents received reports that Tren de Aragua was using the location to stash weapons. Agents returned empty-handed, convinced that private security had tipped off the gang, who moved their stash before the raid.

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David McNew/Getty Images

Police also say the private security guards cannot cooperate with the NYPD under current law. In addition, migrants appear to be getting drugs and weapons into the shelters via food deliveries, which are allowed and cannot be searched or run through metal detectors.

“(Sanctuary City advocates) claim they are protecting communities from ICE, while releasing these dangerous criminals back into the communities they targeted,” the source said.

It appears that New York City Mayor Eric Adams is also reconsidering the “sanctuary city” status. On September 6, he told reporters that he wants the law changed, saying the current version is “a mistake.”

“I do not believe that if someone commits a violent crime, we should not work with ICE to remove that person from our country after they have served their sentence,” Adams said.

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He also believes that migrants who commit a crime should be deported after serving a prison sentence.

Tren de Aragua is said to have established operations in 8 states: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Nevada and Texas.

The gang reportedly forces women into sex trafficking after promising them a life in America, then extorts money from their victims by forcing them to “work” to pay off their debts.

At this time, there are no reports of Tren de Aragua operating in Central New York. However, law enforcement officials are preparing for if – or when – the gang spreads further into the state, as the biggest concern is the potential for gang turf wars.

Below are other gangs already operating in New York State.

10 Gangs in New York State Known for Their Violent, Criminal Activities

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New York’s population is growing and people from these 10 states are moving here the most!

Gallery Credit: Megan

The 5 Most Dangerous Roads in New York State (RANKED)

With many major cities and countless busy highways, it’s no surprise that New York State is unfortunately home to some of the most dangerous roads in the country. While you might expect New York City to be home to such roads (2 on this list), the danger isn’t limited to the Big Apple. According to Catalano Law, 3 of the 5 most dangerous roads in New York State are primarily located Upstate and should be driven with extreme caution. Here are the 5 most dangerous in the Empire State.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

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