This MapleMAGA/MAGA “ANTI-MEDIA” strategy is laughable.

After eight years, this MapleMAGA/MAGA “ANTI-MEDIA” strategy is so blatant it’s laughable.

Yesterday, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada/#MapleMAGA told members of his sect faction that NO ONE is allowed to communicate with anyone from BELL/BCE (the parent company of CTV) because they hurt their feelings with a video.

His anger is strategic. It’s a MAGA strategy, and he’s a dollar store Trump.

What happened?

(hold onto those pearls if you’re one of those conservative wimps/snowflake believers)

CTV News aired a clip of Poilievre demanding a “dental care” election. Pierre says he meant a “carbon tax election,” and that’s their faux psychological outrage for the week. That’s all PeePee’s MAPLEMAGA cult needs to stoke distrust in the media and the current administration.

Since yesterday, there’s been a steady stream of fake outrage porn over an editing error at a troubled media outlet whose board is stacked with Poilievre donors and supporters. Poilievre officially banned his members from giving anyone at Bell/BCE access to his #MapleMAGA cult, and it fits perfectly into the MAGA playbook: creating distrust as a strategy to justify your collusion and treasonous nonsense.

It’s about what’s to come

Trump was a master at tearing the foundational trust of “The Media.” He spent years belittling any unfriendly outlet or media outlet that accurately or unfavorably reported on his rape and attempted coup in the United States of America.

Poilievre Conservatives aren’t just taking notes; they’re working with the same think tank and political operatives who have mastered this strategy. And with most things, #MapleMAGA, Poilievre and his inner circle are copying that playbook perfectly. It’s not just about changing the news cycle with outrage porn; it’s more about getting ahead of the damning facts that PeePee and #MAPLEMAGA know are coming and that would hurt Poilievre’s hopes of stacking the deck before we find out HOW he got here.

The NSICOP report on foreign interference details an ongoing investigation into India and China’s interference in his leadership race.

Despite NSICOP’s accusations and persistent rumors of Russian support for Poilievre’s “interests,” Poilievre still refuses his NatSec background check.

The ongoing investigation into the financing of the elections and the fact that he paid legal fees helped Pierre to commit a “reputation assassination” of his former CPC leader Patrick Brown.

Pierre’s connection to the Russian-funded Tenet Media/Post Millenial/Canada Proud?

This one is interesting. Tenet is 100% funded by Russia. They shared content, funding, and personalities with Human Events (owners of Canada’s Post Millenial), owned by Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec. Jeff Ballingall, owner of Canada Proud/Ontario Proud, sold Post Millenial to Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec. Jeff Ballingall and Canada Proud own Mobilize Media, Pierre’s official digital marketing agency.

Knowing what we know about the DOJ bomb threat report/NSCIOP report, there are 2,800 OTHER “media” outlets and “influencers” still being paid to support Russian interests abroad, and that’s worth a smokescreen or two.

Reputation assassination keeps everyone in the dark

When you’ve paid off porn stars and conservative whistleblowers like Trump and Poilievre, you know that shit is going to come out. When you get caught rigging votes, stealing elections, or running leadership campaigns with fake voters and ballots, you know that’s going to come out at some point. Where the #MAGA reputation assassination strategy works is when irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing or illegality surfaces. Part of that “reputation assassination strategy” is having alternative news sources owned by MAGA/MapleMAGA interests, and part of it is the actual process of disparaging anyone and anything that isn’t funded by MAGA/MAPLEMAGA.
– Trudeau/Biden Media
– Radical Left Media
– Woke media
– Socialist Media
– Marxist media
– Soros-funded media
These slogans and tags are mental time bombs for people with cognitive disabilities.
They work.
Do you want to destroy trust? Create doubt. Do you want to preempt a negative narrative? Create doubt at the source. Do you want your actions to go unscrutinized? Blame others for conspiracies against you despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Do you want to create an army of idiots who believe you? Then point the finger at your enemy and tell your supporters, “They’re coming for you next!”

It’s all Fashy German nonsense.

Destroying democratic institutions that stand in the way of corporate power is the first order of business for conservative fascism masquerading as “the people’s movement” in our new Western political landscape. From academics to medical experts to regulatory agencies to climate change and human rights, nothing is more important than BREAKING down the barriers that stand in the way of the enrichment of #MAGA/MAPLEMAGA elites. That’s the trade-off for entrenched assholes like Trump and Poilievre. They don’t care about anything except what they can get from their core supporters. If Pierre/Donald promises developers and crypto assholes that he will change laws or policies for their financial gain, they will. Not because they care about housing or decentralized currency. No. They do it because there’s a quid pro quo. I’ll give you what you want. In return, you give me something back.

So Pierre and Donald are doing everything they can to destroy the reputation of national treasuries, the Fed, fiat money, and “gatekeepers,” while at the same time promoting digital currencies.

The same goes for housing. They tell you that immigrants are the reason you can’t afford a house, while they work with developers in the same capacity for the same quid pro quo.

Schools that teach gender studies are being smeared as “training facilities for liberal sects.”

MAGA/#MAPLEMAGA labels doctors and infectious disease experts as “big pharma” trying to kill you with “experimental” vaccines, leading to the lowest trust scores ever in the medical profession.

The media? Well, they are simply the “enemy of the people,” and that’s the end of it.

It all stems from the NAZI playbook and the takeover of German hearts and minds. Hitler and Goebbels said and did the same thing for YEARS until one day Germany itself got so tired of the violence and rhetoric that the German Chancellor handed the keys to Hitler. He then promptly changed the curriculum, murdered real experts, and destroyed every institution in a then progressive Germany, including the media. Hitler used pamphlets and speeches to create Nazi-friendly alternative media outlets.

Pierre is a big liar.

Today, PeePee is still posting CTV articles justifying his brainwashing of Canada’s simplest idiots, which is odd. Especially when CTV/BELL is “Trudeau media” and “totally corrupt and woke.”

Pierre has been steadily blowing CBC/CTV articles out of context for the past 2-3 years to justify his national hate/outrage tour, despite telling his followers they can’t trust CTV or BELL. His followers are a bunch of gas-snorting idiots who never see beyond a headline or a sound bite. And he knows it. MAGA/MAPLEMAGA are counting on it, so they target dummies with reputation assassination quotes and content. It serves an affirmative purpose for all the dummies who think everyone is lying about science, news, or treason committed by political assholes in the name of self-interest. Reputation assassination, when done right, creates space for criminality and treason to thrive as an “alternate reality” that frightens and paralyzes political opponents, pundits, and law enforcement with the fear of appearing biased.

It works again. Trust scores in MSM in Canada are at an all-time low. Journalists/politicians are routinely attacked or targeted. Political violence/violent and targeted rhetoric is up 800% in the past year (Canada). Canadian media is more guilty of what it doesn’t report on Poileivre’s hate speech, gaslighting, drunken antics and ties to foreign entities, proving that even the threat of reputation assassination works when it comes to future access.

MSM did it to themselves

I have no sympathy for BELL. They are DONS, the mobile phone/media trenchcoat mafia of Canada. In the last four years they have laid off over half their media division while taking government subsidies to pay dividends to shareholders. It is easy to hate them, so I have no love for their dismal financial position. Their board and several executives are deeply involved in the Poilievre For PM campaign as donors or advisors, so this is just karma for me.

Canadian MSM has ALWAYS been a collusive industry – paid to curate public and legal favors on behalf of their executive relationships. Wealthy families, politicians, lawyers, and special interests all purposefully curate collusive relationships with big swinging dicks (execs, writers, reporters) in the media crack factory. Thanks to the internet, we can provide context where there was none, hold those bullshit stories accountable, and advertisers are taking notice. The problem with discovering that Canadian mainstream media has existed for the past hundred years to serve the pleasure of the wealthy political class is that people get angry. MAPLEMAGA/MAGA are banking on that anger when they purposefully assassinate the reputation and intentions of a corporation like CTV/Bell. It’s an emotional gimme because no one trusts MSM. Poileivre uses the same reputation assassination strategy with government, banks, intellectuals, pundits, and academics because it serves his future purpose. To hide his shitty character and treacherous behavior in a sea of ​​distrust.

In this way he becomes the great white hope of every idiot.

And it works.

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