New report confirms dangerous ‘abortion pill cartel’ infiltrating US

“Abortion pill cartels” are the subject of a groundbreaking new report from the American Life League (ALL), “Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel.”

The ALL report alleges that “networks of abortion providers and volunteers operate as drug dealers through the Internet and the U.S. postal system, illegally shipping these pills to customers.”

Live Action News Reports

ALL’s report summarizes much of what Live Action News has previously reported: that there are illegal abortion drug trafficking organizations that are trafficking or smuggling abortion pills across the U.S. border without any concern from state or federal officials.

In January 2023, Live Action News warned how illegal abortion pill “shadow networks” were targeting homes for sale to use as fake addresses when ordering abortion drugs by mail — and how they were recruiting “helpers” to “run” their illegal abortion pill cartel networks.

In 2022, Live Action News warned of an abortion “underground” peddling the deadly drugs. In May 2023, we reported on how these illegal abortion pill watchdog syndicates appear to have open access to mainstream journalists — including reporters from the Washington Post — who are covering up their actions.

And we exposed the Las Libres syndicate in Mexico, which is alleged to be behind efforts to smuggle abortion drugs into the U.S. In August 2023, we documented an unregulated abortion pipeline that stored abortion pills on a “ping-pong table” and shipped drugs from a makeshift office in someone’s basement.

A public alert issued last year by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) warned that of the “counterfeit fentanyl prescription pills analyzed… six in 10 now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl.” This is concerning, given the fact that abortion drugs (which are not controlled substances) are also flooding into the U.S. so recklessly.

Abortion Pill Drug Cartel

ALL described a “network modeled after notorious drug cartels, fueling a growing epidemic of unlimited, self-inflicted abortions” and claimed that these illegal syndicates “compete with America’s deadly drug crisis.” This is happening “particularly in so-called ‘abortion-free’ states,” ALL noted, with networks “aimed at teaching vulnerable women how to secretly obtain these pills.”

The report alleged that “ALL discovered that abortion pills are being traded through a network of volunteers who mail abortion pills discreetly and free of charge. These so-called ‘community networks’ currently mail abortion pills free of charge to 28 states and five US territories (with a suggested donation to the specific group mailing the pills)”, adding: “These abortion pill volunteers are acting as drug dealers, in conjunction with more ‘established’ abortion providers, as they trick women into lying about their use of abortion pills.”

ALL noted that a 2023 New York Times article confirmed that volunteers often “easily ship the abortion pills from other countries, such as India and Mexico” — and this “has raised concerns among experts, who say the pills may be less ‘effective’ due to heat and other damage.”

ALL wrote the following about the Mexican abortion pill cartel: “Las Libres encourages women to lie to their doctors and hide their abortions if they are experiencing excessive bleeding and need medical attention,” according to the group’s “Frequently Asked Questions.”
Website page “Questions” (see below):

Mexican Abortion Pill Cartel Las Libres Advises Women to Lie to the ER After Taking the Abortion Pill

Mexican Abortion Pill Cartel Las Libres Advises Women to Lie to the ER After Taking the Abortion Pill

Advising minors

Live Action News has documented how virtual abortion pill stores in the US are shipping abortion pills to minors and how an undercover video caught Planned Parenthood allegedly willing to help a 13-year-old minor cross state lines to have an abortion without parental knowledge or consent.

And in August 2023, Live Action News documented the trafficking of teens for abortion, and the funding of teen abortions by Jane’s Due Process, and the support of other major players in the abortion rights movement and their radical allies.

ALL found that the online group Plan C “advised minors on how to obtain abortion pills if they lived in a state that required parental consent before having an abortion. On its “Frequently Asked Questions” page, Plan C provided instructions to minors in case they “did not feel able to involve (their) parent(s) in (their) decision.”

PlanC advises minors about taking the abortion pill

PlanC advises minors about taking the abortion pill

Unregulated suppliers of abortion pills

“Online sellers are not monitored or approved by the U.S. government and remain unchallenged,” the ALL report claims.

According to the ALL report, Plan C confirms this, noting on its website: “Pill selling websites are e-commerce websites that sell pills and ship to addresses in all U.S. states. They do not require a prescription for the medications, do not require you to upload your ID, and do not offer medical consultation or any type of support.”

ALL found that the abortion pill websites “charge between $30 and $500 for abortion pills and kits,” even when a woman is not pregnant — “just in case.” This is known as a “pre-purchase provision.” ALL noted that “Plan C also states that while it labels these websites as legitimate, these websites ‘sell generic abortion pills that are not regulated or inspected by the U.S. government.’” How does Plan C know this? Apparently it “regularly tests these websites by purchasing pills from them.”

Plan C says: “The services we list in our directory all shipped pills to a home address. The pills were real (based on lab tests). However, we do not control these sites and cannot guarantee that they will be reliable in the future.”

ALL warned:

This means that anyone without identification and a prescription can order these pills from an online vendor for their own use or for women who are pregnant. Since the abortion pills provided by online vendors are not inspected or approved by the FDA, no one can be certain what the pills contain, how they will affect the mother’s health, or where the abortion pills originated in the first place.


“Between 2022 and 2024 alone, there have been several reports of men and women purchasing abortion pills online to intentionally induce an abortion in a pregnant woman, without her consent and knowledge,” ALL wrote, citing the following examples:

A Texas man was sentenced to 180 days in jail for attempting to kill his unborn daughter seven times in 2022 by grinding up misoprostol and adding it to his wife’s drinks. Thankfully, the baby survived, but she has suffered several health complications due to being born 10 weeks premature.

In May 2023, a woman attempted to bribe her ex-boyfriend to kill his unborn child by giving his current, pregnant girlfriend an abortion pill without her knowledge. The father declined the offer and instead turned the ex-girlfriend in to authorities. According to news reports, the ex-girlfriend admitted that “she got the pill online from a virtual doctor and knew it was an abortion pill.”

Another example was when a Massachusetts man was accused in May 2024 of tricking his pregnant girlfriend into taking “iron pills.” The pills turned out to be misoprostol, which killed their unborn child.

ALL noted that because of “easy access” to the pills through “illegal distributors,” abusers “find it easy… to kill unborn children and hurt their mothers.”

FDA’s Weak Response to Illegal Abortion Pills

ALL correctly claimed that the “FDA and the U.S. Postal Service turn a blind eye to” abortion pill cartels and instead place responsibility on women, “by recommending that women not order abortion pills from sources not approved by the FDA.”

“It’s clear that the FDA has dropped the ball on this one. As a government agency charged with overseeing drugs coming into this country, they have failed. And where is the USPS? The post office is supposed to be checking packages for illegal items, yet black market abortion drugs are being shipped to every state,” Katie Brown, national director of the American Life League, said in the ALL news release.

Proposed solutions

ALL suggested that Border Patrol consider “blocking unauthorized packaging of pills from crossing the nation’s border,” since the pills are often shipped in unmarked or intentionally misleading packaging. “If illegal shipments are addressed, we may be able to save women and babies from these harmful drugs,” ALL argued.

ALL also advised that the Department of Homeland Security “has a personal interest in protecting American citizens from dangerous substances crossing our country’s borders” and that it should take action itself.

“The FDA and USPS should be concerned and intervening in this illegal importation of dangerous do-it-yourself abortion drugs,” Brown said.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger and other major chains to resist pressure to provide the abortion pill

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