Full text of the new world order – the world empire – because a group of ‘woke’, ‘nice people’ got together at the UN and agreed on a ‘Pact for the Future’

Remember, this is a pact designed by unelected people from all over the world – like a Club 50-70 holiday camp. They have no qualifications, experience or expertise in designing policies and “pacts” that work or produce better outcomes in health, safety, education or anything else. But they are “trying” – all the while sucking up tax dollars on their “woke” jaunts to the U.

Also remember that if the past results in worse outcomes, they will not be responsible for anything. They are immune from prosecution for anything they do.

Noye too, the “Pact” was adopted by a silent vote. Silence = consent!

You can read it here:

n2425289.pdf (un.org)

The term ‘disinformation’ is mentioned 8 times:

:“(g) Address the risks to the maintenance of peace posed by disinformation, misinformation, hate speech and content that incites harm, including content disseminated through digital platforms, while respecting the rights to freedom of expression and privacy and ensuring unhindered access to the internet in accordance with international law, national laws and policies;”

“30. We must urgently address and prevent all forms of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, that occur through or are amplified by the use of technology, all forms of hate speech and discrimination, misinformation and disinformation, cyberbullying and child sexual exploitation and abuse. We will adopt and enforce robust mitigation and remediation measures that also protect privacy and freedom of expression.”

“34. We will work together to promote information integrity, tolerance and respect in the digital space, and to protect the integrity of democratic processes. We will strengthen international cooperation to address the challenge of misinformation and disinformation and hate speech online and to mitigate the risks of information manipulation in a manner consistent with international law.”

“35. We commit to:

(a) Design and implement digital media and information literacy curricula to ensure that all users have the skills and knowledge to engage safely and critically with content and information providers and to increase resilience to the harmful effects of misinformation and disinformation (SDGs 3 and 4);”

Same paragraph

“(c) Provide, promote and facilitate access to and dissemination of independent, fact-based, timely, targeted, clear, accessible, multilingual and science-based information to counter misinformation and disinformation (SDGs 3, 4, 9 and 16);”

Same paragraph:

“(e) Encourage United Nations organizations, in collaboration with governments and relevant stakeholders, to assess the impact of misinformation and disinformation on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 17).”

Same paragraph:

“(b) Call on social media platforms to provide researchers with access to data, with safeguards for user privacy, to ensure transparency and accountability, and to build an evidence base on how to tackle misinformation, disinformation and hate speech, which can inform government and industry policies, standards and best practices (SDGs 9, 16 and 17);”

Action 18. We will build and sustain peace. – “Data exchanges and standards

40. We recognize that data disparities, including gender and geographic data gaps, can lead to unfair distribution of benefits, the misuse and misinterpretation of data, and biased results.”

Oe view here (hy/t anther Peter h)

(16) No number on X: “The Pact of the Future Document 193 countries have accepted this 👇 https://t.co/HHEMdYMz7F” / X

Go ahead!!!

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