The stage is being set for the greatest period of chaos in

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• The Economic Collapse Blog – Michale Snyder

Major wars threaten to throw the entire planet into turmoil, criminals are running wild in our streets, and in just over a month the outcome of the presidential election will likely cause an explosion of anger like no other. As if all this weren’t bad enough, our politicians have allowed millions of desperate people to pour across our wide open borders. Some of these “new arrivals” belong to international criminal gangs, and members of these gangs are being arrested all over America for acts of violence, theft, drug trafficking, and sex trafficking. Other “new arrivals” belong to terrorist groups in the Middle East, and you would think that would be a major national security problem. Russians have also been illegally crossing the border, as have very large numbers of Chinese men of military age. The stage is being set for the greatest period of chaos in US history, and this should alarm us all deeply.

Since Joe Biden has been in the White House, we have seen an unprecedented increase in migration in our history.

Millions of people have been allowed into the country and once they are in the country, they can come and go as they please.

Most of them have entered through the southern border, but what most people don’t realize is that migration across the northern border is also completely out of control…

Lawmakers in northern states have paid increasing attention in recent years to the rise in attempted illegal border crossings, as migration from Latin America increases due to economic and political conditions.

In 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered nearly 190,000 individuals attempting to cross the border from Canada into the United States. That is almost seven times more than in 2021.

Reported by Donna Hancock

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