Ultimately it affects everyone


Politics has been ridiculed in many ways and people sometimes believe these jibes as a final verdict on politics. We have heard it a million times that politics is the last refuge of all villains. We have also seen a plethora of reports, a great many books, documentaries and films about how crime and politics intertwine. We also know how the connection between business and politics is a fact of our world.

In addition, the ugly connections between mafia and politics are also a given. All this is true, but it does not mean that politics – political parties, elections, democratic institutions – have lost their function. In fact, the role of political parties, political leadership and all political institutions has become enormous, given the situation of a great power struggle at the global level and the rise of Artificiality. In our small space, it is the time of increased political activities.

The second phase of J&K Assembly elections is over and the third and final phase is now underway. People can come forward as changemakers through the instrument of voting. This time the participation of people in voting has been good compared to many such occasions in the past few decades.

The point here is that we need to understand the importance of voting on a societal level and the responsibility it places on an individual level. A blanket condemnation of politics is an ideal way to stop the organic growth of politics. While criticism of political parties, political ideologies and political decisions may continue and is a feature of a living society, humans as political beings cannot escape the responsibility to act as conscious and informed individuals while responding to political ideas and political opportunities such as elections.

If people in a democratic society do not respond positively to political responsibilities, this can only lead to a disturbed relationship between a society and the politics that emerges from it.

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