Andrew Tate really landed this A++ takedown on the chin and that just makes it more satisfying

To the world – briefly – from self-proclaimed misogynist and clown prince of the toxic manosphere, Andrew Tate, where he appeared in a Romanian courthouse. Again.

Tate is accused of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and rape. He denies the charges.

Well, there’s hilarious, and then there’s hilarious.

And we mention it because of this A++ takedown by @TheWapplehouse which went viral for reasons we’ll get to in a moment.

And first of all, Tate did this…

…but what is even more satisfying is that he did this.

Snowflake is a champion of freedom of speech.

And it seems to be happening everywhere!

Thoughts and prayers.


An Andrew Tate fanboy listed all the “guy things that women had conquered” and ended up in a galaxy far, far away

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