Condannato per mafia in Sicilia, arrestato a Paderno Dugnano

It’s over in the man of Paderno Dugnano is a noto affiliated with a Sicilian mafia clanthat you find nascosto in a residence in Palazzolo. I am a carabiniere della Tenenza di via Toscanini enters the direction of the route from 24 to 25 September isolando l’hotel and poi procedure con l’identificazione dei residents If all goes well, it will be a maximum of 60 years since Riesi criminal soft drinks ended up in the province of Caltanissetta.

Condannato per mafia in Sicily, and the fight against the mafia in 2018

There is state support for the aggravation of mafia methods 6 and 8 years ago, the immigrant population was abandoned from its origins, in a stanza of the search for albergiere that polluted the entire periphery of the north of the city, to the extreme with Varedo.

I won a contest in 2018 When an impresario denounces the guilt, the moment when the collaboration begins with the first phase of the pagamento, the man of the capo clan is swept away. During the session of Paderno Dugnano, the arrest of three of the three members of the clan has come to a destination that 6 years and 8 months later is withdrawn 8 years and leads to the recent sentence of Cassation.

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