DiversityWatch (September 26, 2024)

DiversityWatch (September 26, 2024)


  • New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted in Campaign Finance Case

    Another diversity success story is collapsing. Innocent until proven guilty, but there seems to be a lot of information about our diversity politicians and their accomplices getting money from Turkey.

  • Canadian rapper K’naan charged with assault after arrest in Quebec City

    It seems like a lot more diversity perpetrators are being arrested lately.

  • ‘Immigration doesn’t work, not even economically’ – German government needs €10 billion more in social benefits than originally forecast by 2025

    The West has bankrupted itself by financing its ever-growing diversity underclass.

  • Why the gender gap in physics has been stable for more than a century

    New model ‘reflects homophily, or the tendency for people who look alike to act the same, that ‘birds of a feather naturally flock together.’

  • Congo: displaced people caught between conflict and crisis

    Ongoing diversity conflicts leave nothing but misery and monkeypox in their wake.

  • Swedish criminal gangs are expanding their activities to Iceland, Iceland’s Justice Minister claims

    Diversity spreads like AIDS at an international breakcore festival.

  • Airplane contrails: white fluffy contributors to global warming

    XOG is now blaming chemtrails for perpetuating the global warming conspiracy theory.

  • Walz education appointee: ‘Overthrow’ America because it is ‘irreversibly racist’

    Leftists have one way of thinking: blame leaders for the problems the people have created, then overthrow leaders and appoint narcissists. Diversity is their golden ticket to power.

  • FBI Investigates US Venture Capital Fund for Giving Trade Secrets to Beijing: Report

    Diversity means we have a fifth column among us working in our key industries.

  • Toiling at a Kenyan flower farm to send fresh roses to Europe

    The first world must relearn how to produce its own food and goods. Self-sufficiency is the future. The fields evoke the serfs among us.

  • Millennial black women decide where and when they want to express style

    Working with other races and ethnicities forces black women to suppress their self-expression through personal appearance. Diversity is bad for everyone!

  • Research shows that Google Search has a left-wing bias in favor of Harris

    Absolutely no one is surprised.

  • Voter identification would increase election integrity

    This is why left-wing parties oppose it.

  • China’s stimulus measures are strong, but insufficient

    Socialism begins its death decline in China, despite the graft on the free market.

  • Bosses are firing Gen Z graduates just months after hiring them. This is what they think needs to change

    Diversity students cannot build a first world economy. By democratizing college through loans and grants, the government has destroyed its value to employers.

  • Republican children were more open to visiting a Democratic-supporting household.

    But Democratic kids were five times more likely to say they didn’t want to go to a pro-Trump house.

  • Mass deportation of healthcare workers would put patients at risk

    Remigration is inevitable, so the opponents resume posting the usual propaganda. Many white people left the economy because they would never get promoted under the diversitocracy. End affirmative action and they will come back.

  • Italy revives policy to fail misbehaving students to ‘bring back respect’

    Discipline offends the pro-diversity crowd because it enforces norms and that creates hierarchy.



Tags: diversity watch, news

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