NBC News Trump flushes the Tren de Aragua story from Aurora, Colorado

We previously defined “Trumpwashing” as the Regime Media’s established practice of willfully sitting on a story until it can be reported in a Trump-negative angle. Case in point: Springfield, Ohio, which the media only became concerned about after the second presidential debate. The media is now trying to Trumpwash Aurora, Colorado.

The Regime Media has been notoriously quiet about the activities of the violent transnational gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) in suburban Denver. Or anywhere else, for that matter. As we’ve noted, Univision and Telemundo have consistently been the only national over-the-air news outlets to cover TdA. Until now.

Watch this strange Trumpwashing of Aurora in its entirety, as broadcast on NBC Nightly News on Wednesday, September 26, 2024 (click “expand” to see the full transcript):

TOM LLAMAS: We’re back now with another American city in the middle of a storm over immigration. Former President Trump has claimed that Aurora, Colorado, is being overrun by Venezuelan gangs. We sent Gabe Gutierrez there to find out if it’s true.

GABE GUTIERREZ: This video of armed men wandering through an apartment complex in Aurora went viral. It was captured on Cindy Romero’s security camera.

CINDY ROMERO: This was terrifying. And I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

GUTIERREZ: She says the nighttime violence forced her to move, and she showed us the bullet holes in her car.

ROMERO: Of course, it was never meant to be political when I released it. It was to raise awareness so that the people in my building could get help.

GUTIERREZ: Her videos put Colorado’s third-largest city in the national spotlight, prompting former President Trump to repeatedly rail against Venezuelan migrants here, including today.

TRUMP: They’re invading with weapons that are even beyond military scope and they’re taking over apartment buildings and they’re literally taking over those cities.

GUTIERREZ: Trump and his allies have put a spotlight on a Venezuelan prison gang: Tren de Aragua, or TdA. Homeland Security officials tell NBC News that they have more than 100 criminal investigations into TdA nationwide, including sex trafficking and the shooting of police officers. They call TdA “the next MS-13”, a violent gang from El Salvador. But police in Aurora insist the gang is not overrunning their city, and it is unclear whether the gang is responsible for any violent incidents at three apartment complexes, one of which has closed. Immigrant Carlos Orizgoti lives in another house.

(IN SPANISH): Do you believe the story is exaggerated?


GUTIERREZ: He tells us that the story is exaggerated for political reasons and that most Venezuelans are here to work.

MIKE COFFMAN: I want the former president to come because I want to show him the city. I want to show him that the story is not accurate in any way.

GUTIERREZ: Mike Coffman is the mayor of Aurora.

You’re a Republican.


GUTIERREZ: You are a supporter of Donald Trump.

COFFMAN: I’m going to vote for the president.

GUTIERREZ: But you disagree with him on this particular story.


GUTIERREZ: We asked the mayor if he regretted saying it first: the apartments had fallen into the hands of the gang. He says no. Because he relied on police reports he had received at the time. Tom.

LLAMAS: All right, Gabe Gutierrez for us tonight. Gabe, we thank you for that.

It is worth repeating that, except for Univision and Telemundo in defense of their business interests, no one in the Regime Media was interested in reporting on TdA.

Think about it: the story is Chernobyl-level toxic to Kamala Harris’ presidential aspirations; evidence of the current administration’s failure on border policy. Any new report would expose viewers to the idea that the Biden administration threw open the border and allowed tens of millions of illegal migrants into the country without any checks.

And so it is that the highly reported Tren de Aragua in Aurora keeps Regime Media quiet until there is some rhetorical exaggeration by Trump that can be cited as the factual basis for “targeting.” of a kind. Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez performs the Trumpwashing, with each of the now standard elements: the local panicking that her citizen reporting has gone viral, the migrant saying nothing like that happens, and the concerned local official.

A major narrative damaging to the Democrats in power persisted until a Trump-negative angle could be created. Without Regime Media we would have no media at all.

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