Something strange is going on in New York

1727408004455722s.jpg Earlier this week, Anon saw news that New York Mayor Eric Adams was accused of “corruption” by the FBI. Before that, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigned amid allegations of “corruption,” as did other officials in the New York City Council and the Office of the Mayor. This is strange because NYC is known for its corrupt politicians with federal ties who misuse funds (usually in public view) without consequence. Bill Di Blasio was known for stealing money and laundering it through his wife, a recent example. At the CENTER of this nexus of “corruption allegations” is the same prosecutor who indicted Trump on counts for which no one was ever charged, leading to a trial in which the judge clumsily instructed the jury that “there doesn’t have to be a law be violated to determine guilt” to avoid a hung jury.

The political powers (feds, party bosses, bankers, etc.) in New York control the law there. The way it works is this:
>if you are on the side of the fed mafia, you are immune
>if you go against the party line, you will perish
>they make up guilt trips if you’re innocent
>they let you slide if you’re guilty
>all that matters is obedience to the party
What went wrong in Eric Adams’ case was this:

What went wrong with his assignment was this:

They FORGET what happens in every major city. Migrant gangs target assassinations of authorities and civilians. The mayor and commissioner criticized the FBI and Biden for the massive waves of illegals that Biden denied existed. Adams and Caban’s downfall began when their public words aligned too closely with Trump’s. They oppose the enormous increase from 15,000 ‘refugees’ to 150,000. They spoke openly that NYC was being destroyed. That is the sin Trump has committed by talking openly about the destruction of communities through Merkel-style migration. The HUGE NUMBER of organized gangs among the migrants is what the FBI wants to keep hidden, ask WHY.

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