Carlin has no opposition, voting for him is still a message

Forget abortion, there are more important issues

While abortion is not for me, I understand that it is critically important for some women. What I don’t understand is why people, many of whom would not consider abortion themselves, would vote for a candidate primarily because of his/her abortion policy. There are so many serious and pressing issues facing our country right now.

Our nearly $3.6 trillion debt is unsustainable. We’ve paid almost $1.2 trillion in interest on that debt this year. The government must stop spending. We can no longer afford government programs, no matter how nice they sound, like student loan forgiveness and $25,000 for homebuyers. Inflation causes each of us to accumulate our own individual debt just to make ends meet. Government expenditure and high energy costs are the cause of this. Price ceilings/fixing will worsen inflation and lead to shortages. This is exactly what happened in Venezuela and Cuba. We need to make cuts in all federal departments.

The drug cartels are now virtually in control of our border. Between 10 and 20 million illegal immigrants have entered our country or been flown in by our government under the CHVN program. Many are criminals, gangs and over 100 are terrorists, not to mention escapees. The FBI has said that the likelihood that we will experience terrorist attacks on our own soil is extremely high. This is scary. We must stop the drug trade. It’s killing our children. Our government has lost track of more than 300,000 children who have crossed the border. The enormous number of immigrants is crushing the budgets of our cities and municipalities. We don’t have the money or resources.

The Middle East is now a tinderbox. Iran, which shouts ‘Death to America and death to Israel’, is on the verge of obtaining a nuclear weapon and is financing terrorism in the Middle East. China is not far from dominating us. We depend on China for most of the products we use in our technology, as well as for our everyday products. China mines cobalt, needed for many things such as rechargeable batteries, and uses child labor for this, both in Congo and South America. China has been spying on us, buying land around our military bases and buying our farmland. We allow this! We spend time and money on wind turbines and solar panels, while China builds coal-fired power stations every week. Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are now meeting. Who knows what they’re up to, but it can’t be good.

To believe that abortion is the most important issue today is nonsensical. It’s like sweeping the porch while the house is burning down. It’s really irresponsible.

Barbara Hughes, Newport

Carlin has no opposition, voting for him is still a message

While Dave Carlin is running unopposed in the 3rd Ward, I believe his continued appreciation for wisely spending local taxpayer dollars should be applauded. The upcoming $98.5 million bond request, which he voted against, is a case in point. He understands that we are already facing significant tax increases from the previous Rogers High School bond, increased employment in the city and, most recently, the minimum sewer tax ($81/month) that will impact singles, seniors and those trying to preserve our economy , harms. natural resources by minimizing water consumption.

Please vote for Dave Carlin to send the message to the other city council members that we need to spend tax money like it’s our money, because it is.

Doug Powers, Newport

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