The stage is being set for the greatest period of chaos in American history

(The Economic Collapse Blog) – If chaos is what they intended, everything is coming together beautifully. Major wars threaten to throw the entire planet into turmoil, criminals run wild through our streets and in just over a month the outcome of the presidential election is likely to cause an unprecedented explosion of anger. If all this wasn’t bad enough, our politicians have allowed millions of desperate people to flood across our wide open borders. Some of these “newcomers” belong to international criminal gangs, and members of these gangs are arrested all over America for violent acts, theft, drug trafficking, and sex trafficking. Other “newcomers” belong to terror groups in the Middle East, and you would think this would be a major national security problem. Russians have also crossed the border illegally, as have very large numbers of Chinese men of military age. The stage is being set for the greatest period of chaos in US history, and this should deeply concern us all.

Since Joe Biden has been in the White House, we have witnessed a migration spike that is absolutely unprecedented in our history.

Millions of people have been admitted, and once they enter this country, they can go wherever they want.

Most of them entered through the southern border, but what most people don’t realize is that migration across the northern border is also spiraling out of control…

There has been increasing attention from northern state lawmakers in recent years to increased attempts at illegal border crossings as migration from Latin America increases due to economic and political conditions.

In 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered nearly 190,000 individuals attempting to cross from Canada to the United States. That is almost seven times more than in 2021.

Unfortunately, the number of people entering through the northern border will continue to rise in 2024…

This year, the number of illegal crossings along the northern border is reaching record levels, and northern New York, with its proximity to Montreal and Toronto, is the epicenter of the influx. In August alone, the Border Patrol reported 19,000 encounters with migrants along the Canadian border, nearly half of which entered through New York.

It’s so easy to cross the northern border.

The U.S. border with Canada is 6,000 miles long and there aren’t many border agents covering the border.

Fox News recently interviewed a property owner in upstate New York who says migrants are constantly entering this country through his country…

Chris Oliver’s property in Fort Covington, New York, has become an inadvertent gateway for a stream of illegal immigrants crossing the Canadian border into the United States, leaving him baffled and wondering if the problem will ever be solved.

He told “Fox & Friends First” that he “absolutely” blames “border czar” Kamala Harris and President Biden for the issue.

“You have no control over it. You don’t know who these people are. Not everyone is a good person,” Oliver said Wednesday.

He’s right.

We need to know who these people are, because not everyone comes here with good intentions.

During that same interview, Oliver even mentioned a recent case in which a man was arrested who planned “an ISIS-like attack in New York City”…

‘They had a man in Ormstown, not far from us, who had to be arrested. He planned an ISIS-style attack in New York City. That was only recently. That same evening, people were still coming across my cameras. That must be stopped.”

For those crossing the northern border, New York City is the main destination.

According to NPR, transporting “newcomers” from India to New York City has actually become a very lucrative business…

A group of immigrants from India steps out of a taxi van next to the Clinton County, New York, government building in this small upstate city half an hour from the Canadian border.

They are soon swamped by half a dozen fellow Indian immigrants who have been waiting hours for this business opportunity.

This fleet of taxis offering migrants rides south to New York City is a clear example of the informal economy that has emerged following a significant increase in unauthorized crossings across the usually sleepy northern border over the past year and a half.

Needless to say, some people come to the United States because they want a better life.

But in many other cases, people cross the border for very nefarious reasons.

According to the New York Post, children as young as eight years old are being “drugged and smuggled into the US by human traffickers”…

Border Patrol agents warn that children as young as eight are being drugged and smuggled into the U.S. by human traffickers posing as their parents or relatives — and no one knows how common this horrific practice is.

Authorities have rescued children involved in two separate cases of such smuggling in recent weeks — including one case in which the alleged traffickers had birth certificates for multiple children to whom they were not related, Border Patrol said.

Border Patrol sources have told The Post that they have observed more and more smugglers posing as family units to “recycle” children.

Stopping the exploitation of children should in itself be a good reason to secure our borders.

But our politicians refuse to do that.

Others cross our borders because they intend to commit acts of violence. Recently, a very alarming discovery of weapons was made near the southern border…

Republicans are outraged at the Biden-Harris administration for ignoring an escalating security crisis at the southern border after rocket-propelled grenades and explosives were found near Arizona.

A bomb report revealed that at least four rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and eight improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were discovered in Mexico, close to the US-Mexico border.

Massive amounts of ammunition were also found at the “reconnaissance site” located about 700 feet from the border wall in Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, according to an internal memo first reported by NewsNation.

At this stage we don’t know exactly who these weapons belonged to and what they intended to do with them.

But it is being reported that Iran is “trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump”…

Iran has made “clear” that it is seeking to kill former President Donald Trump as well as members of his administration — and the current Biden administration — in retaliation for the killing of an Iranian general and other hardline policies, US officials and lawmakers said Wednesday.

The comments came after Trump’s dramatic revelation Tuesday evening that he had been briefed earlier in the day by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence about Tehran’s “real and specific threats” against him.

As I recently shared with my top supporters, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz admitted that a top Department of Homeland Security official told him there are at least five hit squads in this country right now targeting Trump.

It will truly be a miracle if Trump wins the election.

If Trump ultimately wins, the left will go completely crazy and the millions upon millions of “newcomers” that the left has brought to our major cities will go completely crazy.

It certainly won’t take much to unleash an unprecedented tsunami of civil unrest, and perhaps that was the plan all along.

Michael is new book titled “Why” is available in paperback and for Kindle at, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

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