The CIA chief told me that I am not a criminal or a Russian agent

In response to allegations about his ban from entering the US, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin claimed during a parliamentary session that he had met with CIA director William Burns, who allegedly told him that he knows that Vulin’ is not a Russian agent or criminal’.

Slavica Radovanovic, MP of the Popular Movement of Serbia, told Vulin: “You cannot drive around in a car linked to serious organized crime and then wonder why you are being denied entry to America.”

Vulin said the biggest issue appears to be the fact that he has been denied entry into the US.

“The most important thing here is that I have been denied entry into the US. The CIA, honey. The CIA has banned me. And when the CIA bans you? That’s it. Case closed. As for whether the CIA is right or not? Who cares?” Vulin said.

He then recounted what he believed was a conversation with the CIA chief.

“He told me, Mr. Vulin, that we know you are not a Russian agent or criminal, but that you are strategically opposed to the positions of my government. WHERE. Absolutely true. Because his government’s strategic plans are to recognize Kosovo, turn its back on Republika Srpska and impose sanctions on the Russian Federation. None of that will happen as long as (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic leads Serbia and I am in the Serbian government. Period,” Vulin said. noted that Aleksandar Vulin has been under US sanctions since July 2023. He is suspected of corrupt practices that facilitate Russian malign activities in Serbia and the region.

The U.S. Treasury Department said in a news release that Vulin is involved in transnational organized crime, illegal drug operations and abuse of public office.

Aleksander Vulin is being held responsible for his corrupt and destabilizing actions that have also facilitated Russia’s malign activities in the region, the US Treasury Department said. “These acts included using his authority for personal gain, including involvement in a drug trafficking ring. He has used his public positions to support Russia, facilitate Russia’s malign activities that affect the security and stability of the Western Balkans, and provide Russia with a platform to increase its influence in the region,” the report said.

All his properties and real estate interests in the US have been frozen, the US said.

“All property and interests in property of the designated person described above that are located in the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons are blocked and must be reported to OFAC. In addition, all entities owned directly or indirectly, individually or jointly, 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons are also blocked,” the Ministry of Finance said.

In addition, all transactions by U.S. persons within (or transiting) the United States involving property or interests in property of designated or otherwise barred persons are prohibited unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or exempt, it added.

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