Imran Khan says there is ‘no point’ for the party to hold talks with military establishment India TV

Imran Khan says there is 'no point' for the party to hold talks with military establishment India TV

Image source: PTI (FILE) Imran Khan’s supporters have been demanding his release from jail for several months.

Islamabad: Imprisoned former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has asked his party leaders to abandon their attempts to negotiate with the military and political establishment. He said such negotiations would only strengthen their opponents. He also rejected comments by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) spokesperson Raoof Hasan that the embattled opposition is ready to start talks with the establishment.

“There is no point in getting involved with the establishment. The more we go back, the more they crush us. It is not the policy of the institution but that of the third umpire,” Imran Khan said during an informal chat at Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, where he has been lodged for over a year.

The cricketer-turned-politician said Hasan had a misunderstanding and added that after the Islamabad Power Show, he had given a clear message that his party would not talk to anyone, Geo News reported. Hasan had earlier told a private TV channel that the beleaguered party was ready to start talks with the establishment, which was “inevitable.” Hasan was replaced by Sheikh Waqas Akram as central information secretary of PTI.

All party leaders gave orders not to negotiate

Imran reiterated that all leaders, including Gandapur, had been instructed not to enter into negotiations with the establishment. “Since the Bajwas era, they have been telling us not to talk about neutrality. The more we go back, the more they crush us. It is the policy of the third arbitrator, not that of the institution,” he said.

Earlier this month, Imran closed his doors to talks with all parties, including the military establishment, signaling a hardened stance amid ongoing political unrest. He also alleged that the establishment misled them and closed the doors to negotiations with all parties.

The jailed leader also announced a protest in Rawalpindi on Saturday, rejecting the need for official permission to hold a rally. Our lawyers will also demonstrate in front of the Supreme Court tomorrow. It has been proven that (Chief Justice) Qazi Faez Isa is with them. He is one of their players, alongside Sikandar Sultan Raja, while the third official is their captain and controls everything,” he said.

“The opponents thought I was going to break, they were wrong”

Imran has been behind bars since August last year after being convicted in Toshakhana’s first criminal case and subsequently in other cases before the February 8 elections. Although he received relief in several cases, the former prime minister’s legal troubles continued to diminish as he was convicted in several other cases, including those related to the May 9 riots.

On Thursday, he said his opponents thought he would buckle under the pressure of a hard life in prison, but they were wrong. “They thought I would collapse, that I wouldn’t survive solitary confinement. I spent 21 to 22 hours a day in solitary confinement. In the summer I sweat so much that my clothes deteriorate. They don’t understand what sports training looks like; we are conditioned to persevere under pressure, he said.

Once again he targeted his opponents without naming anyone, but apparently his target was the military, the judiciary, the Election Commission of Pakistan and those who play leading roles in these institutions. When institutions and morality remain intact, a country survives. But here the expansion mafia is destroying both for its own gain. The Gang of Three is ruining the future of the nation and its institutions because of its expansion, he added.

(with the agency’s contribution)

ALSO READ | Pakistan: Imran Khan says it is ‘useless’ for party to hold talks with military establishment



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