Biden did the same… So why was Adams charged? (See description.)


“Bribes and Illegal Campaign Contributions from Foreign Sources.”

Biden did the same thing when he was vice president and there is a mountain of evidence to prove it, especially on his son’s laptop – the one that the FBI along with big tech companies wiped from the internet – filled with bank statements, wire transfers, meetings, emails, text messages, etc. all confirmed by different business partners with the same evidence. No consequences.

Why was Adams affected by something that is standard? Could it be that he was the ONLY Democrat to speak out about the border crisis and the damage it has done to his city? That absolutely justifies excommunicado from the Nazi regime. Cue the Trump treatment!

Just like on Epstein Island, to join the Nazi regime you have to get involved in all the regime’s illegal activities, so if you ever don’t do what you’re told – in this case say there is no border crisis – – you faces federal charges. Similar to the mafia killing people, but that is no longer necessary unless you are someone like Trump and this tactic does not work. Two for two, baby.

submitted by /u/AlwayzFapping
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