The Follies of the United Nations – Dr. Rich Swier

Every year at the end of September we are reminded of what a farce the United Nations has become. It’s when the General Assembly opens its doors to dictators and fools, crooks and the occasional leader who shows true nobility.

El Salvador’s president, Nayib Buckle, fell into that later category, telling the story of his country’s transformation from one of “the darkest places on earth” to a country that stands out as a model of optimism and security.

Commenting on his government’s crackdown on drug cartels and criminals of all stripes, he said: “Some say we have jailed thousands, but the reality is we have freed millions.”

Now there is a profile in courage.

That’s not what we saw from Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky, who called on the world body to “force” Russia to the negotiating table and punish Putin.

Zelensky hoped to use his US trip to get the Biden-Harris regime to approve Ukraine’s plan to use NATO long-range weapons to hit targets deep in Russian territory. But the CIA and others warned that Putin was not bluffing this time when he said he would regard such attacks as a direct NATO attack on Russia, and would hit back at NATO, possibly with nuclear weapons.

One of the biggest proponents of allowing Ukraine to start World War III is President Macron of France. Little Cookie, as I call him, plays a sorcerer’s apprentice in Ukraine. Some say they see the little horns sticking out of its head.

Donald Trump showed remarkable personal sympathy for the Ukrainian people and for Zelensky when he welcomed him to a private meeting at Trump Tower on Friday. But he also made clear that he also had good personal relations with Putin, and that it “takes two to tango” to reach a peace deal.

I can guarantee you one thing: if we were so unfortunate that Kamala Harris is inaugurated as president in January, the war in Ukraine will become deeper, darker and far more dangerous than it is now.

Two other notable participants in this year’s UN follies: Iranian President Masood Pezeshkian and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Pezeshkian attempted to remake the attempts of some of his predecessors as the mullahs’ “selected” president to portray the Iranian regime as “moderate” and full of aspirations for peace.

To aid his charm offensive, he hired Mohammad Javad Zarif, the architect of the failed 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Not long ago, Zarif resigned from Pezeshkian’s inner circle because he felt the new president was ignoring him. Not anymore.

In my new book, I will make some astonishing revelations about Zarif and his role in a plot to kill Americans. The Iran House: stories of persecution, revolution, war and intrigue, which will be released on October 15th. So stay tuned!

Then Bibi came, on Friday. He told a story about two futures for the Middle East, one called ‘The Curse’ and the other ‘The Blessing’.

The Curse is the continuation of what we have today, with terrorist threats from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza threatening to embroil Israel in an eternal war.

The blessing is a future with expanded Abraham Accords with a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia that would open the region to enormous opportunity and economic expansion, with an Israeli-Saudi energy corridor and joint projects to develop water resources, AI and more.

Within days of taking office in January 2020, Joe Biden turned his back on the Abraham Accords and went out of his way to alienate Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, sending the Saudis into the arms of the Russians and the Chinese pushed. Call it the way not to act as a superpower.

Bibi also labeled the UN a “despicable swamp” of anti-Semitism, which it is, and warned the Iranian regime not to attack Israel because there is “no place in Iran that we cannot reach.”

“Israel will not go into that good night quietly,” he said. “We will fight against the extinction of the light.”

Sound familiar? Probably not for most of you, but the Israeli Prime Minister quoted Dylan Thomas, a Welshman who was one of the great poets of the 20th century. I don’t think the UN will ever recover.

I discuss this, Donald Trump’s plan for the UN, and the Iranian plots to assassinate Trump and Trump-era officials in this week’s Prophecy Today Weekend. As always, that’s possible listen live in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday at 1 p.marea on 104.9 FM or 550 AM or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app. You can also listen to the podcast here later.

And in case you missed it, here’s a link to my op-ed in Thursday’s paper Washington Times about Iran’s attempts to assassinate Trump.

Yours in freedom.

©2024. Kenneth R. Carpenter. All rights reserved.

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