
Publisher: Old-fashioned role-playing

This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.

Red Crystal abuse has become an epidemic in the Sonoran sector. This naturally formed drug has overtaken the recreational drug market sector. While it is common knowledge that Red Crystal only occurs naturally on a few remote worlds, the organized criminal elements in the sector somehow seem to have an endless supply.

The most populous cities and worlds in the Sonora sector are overrun with drug addicts sleeping on the streets. Violent crime is booming in the industry as addicts are desperate for the money needed to feed their increasingly expensive habits. Gang violence between different criminal groups is at an all-time high. Something has to give.

The Sonoran Interstellar Police (SIPOL) are in panic. All their attempts to stop the flow of Red Crystal have failed so far. Now they want to take more direct action against the gangs involved in creating this epidemic.

They want someone from the inside who can figure out what’s going on and push them to make the kind of arrests that will shut down the industry’s largest organized crime syndicate.

The Yamaguchi Syndicate is a violent group of criminals and thugs. The Syndicate started as an Old World cartel but has expanded into the new territories. They are ruthless and violent. One of their bosses has begun operations on a remote world in the sector known as Zayon IV. Reports from SIPOL’s intelligence services indicate that this boss’s operations on Zagon IV have not generated significant revenue for the syndicate. It is believed that if it doesn’t make money soon, the syndicate will have him killed soon. This could be a perfect opportunity for someone new to join the syndicate.

SIPOL offers the travelers CR 100,000 per person to infiltrate the Yamaguchi Syndicate by any means necessary and uncover information leading to the arrest of the syndicate’s highest-ranking members.

RatPrice: $3.00

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