Drink ourselves to death? Federal judge rules that fluoride poses an “unreasonable risk” to children

There’s nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench your thirst! But the next time you turn on the tap, you might want to ask yourself if that water is indeed… too poisonous to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer is probably yes. For decades we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the deaths of millions of Americans and weakened the immune systems of tens of millions more. THIS LIE IS CALLED FLUORIDATION: The process of dripping fluoride into our municipal water supplies, which we were told was a safe and effective method of protecting our teeth from tooth decay, but realistically it is a deception of monumental proportions.

Do you remember the massive Bárðarbunga volcanic eruption in Iceland in 2014-2015? Animals in southern Iceland were at risk of fluoride poisoning if they inhaled or ingested ash from the eruption. According to BBC News (April 19, 2010), fluoride poisoning can lead to internal bleeding, long-term bone damage and tooth loss:

The fluoride in the ash creates acid in the animals’ stomachs, damaging the intestines, leading to bleeding. It also binds with calcium in the bloodstream and, after heavy exposure over a period of days, makes bones brittle and causes teeth to crumble.

Most people never make the connection between the tragic poisoning of these animals due to a natural event and the deliberately poisoning of humans due to accumulated fluoride toxicity from daily exposure.

The fluoride hoax

In the US, the practice of adding sodium fluoride to tap water began in the 1940s, but this was not the first time fluoride was added to the water supply. USAF Major George R. Jordan testified before the UN-American Congressional Activities Committees in the 1950s that in his position as US-Soviet Liaison Officer (1930s), the Soviets openly admitted that “they use fluoride in the water supplies in their concentration camps to make the prisoners stupid, docile and submissive.

But isn’t fluoride good for your teeth? Contrary to popular belief, fluoride does not stop tooth decay at all, and scientific studies have actually proven that fluoride causes dental fluorosis, brain damage, congenital disabilities and osteoporosis. If you use fluoridated toothpaste, check the warning label on the tube; it will shock you. The FDA has required the following warning for all fluoridated toothpaste since April 1997 due to the high number of calls to Poison Control Centers for children who have become acutely ill from ingesting sodium fluoride:

WARNING: Keep out of the reach of children under six years of age. In the event of an accidental overdose, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.

In his book Fluoride, the aging factorwarns Dr. John Yiamouyiannis:

Fluoride is a poison! It has been used as a pesticide for mice, rats and other small pests. A 10 pound child can be killed by 1/100 of an ounce and a 100 pound adult can be killed by 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride.

In 1977, epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former chief of cell chemistry at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, and Yiamouyiannis that fluoridation is linked to approximately 10,000 cancer deaths annually.

Fluoride causes more cancer in humans, and faster, than any other chemical. . . More people have died from cancer related to fluoridation in the past thirty years than all the military deaths in the entire history of the United States.

—Dr. Dean Burk, Congressional Report, July 21, 1976.

In 2005, a study at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that there is a direct correlation between fluoride and osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in young boys. Sodium fluoride inhibits enzyme activity, paralyzes white blood cells and causes collagen to break down. Enzymes, the immune system and collagen are all fundamental in the fight against cancer. All told, there are more than 500 peer-reviewed studies documenting the adverse effects of sodium fluoride, ranging from cancer to brain damage.

In 2010, two separate stories from India revealed that children are becoming blind and lame, partly due to the artificial addition of fluoride to their drinking water. In the Indian village of Gaudiyan, more than half of the population has bone abnormalities, making them physically handicapped. Children are born normal, but after drinking fluoridated water, they begin to develop crippling defects in their hands and feet.

Due to the excess fluoride content in drinking water, dietary calcium is not absorbed by the body, causing disabilities and deformities.

—Dr. Amit Shukla, neurologist

But in a lofty move that would make the medical mafia proud, Indian government doctors have denied that fluoridation of drinking water has any connection with disability and have refused to test the water, insisting that such testing is ‘not necessary’. Meanwhile, in the village of Pavagada, children are going blind after being diagnosed with lamellar congenital cataract (a condition in which the eye lenses are damaged). Local doctors attribute childhood blindness to two factors: consanguineous marriages and the ‘fluoride content’ of the water. LINK

A bit of history: how a toxic poison became ‘safe’

In the 1920s, aluminum production boomed, largely due to the booming canning industry. But it was also a major producer of toxic waste, namely sodium fluoride. The biggest dilemma was the cost of safely disposing of this hazardous waste as it was expensive. A Pittsburgh company, ALCOA, led by their founder and major shareholder, Andrew Mellon, had some “revolutionary” ideas on how to reduce the cost of sodium fluoride disposal.

EPA regulations previously required sodium fluoride to be disposed of in a toxic waste landfill. However, Mellon was appointed Secretary of the Treasury, who at the time was in charge of the US Public Health Services (PHS). Long story short: Without any research, Mellon found a market for its toxic waste (and the toxic waste of the soon-to-be nuclear industry) – the US municipal water supplies.

Under Mellon’s watch, ALCOA-funded scientist Gerald J. Cox publicly declared that fluoride was good for your teeth, and in 1939 he proposed that the U.S. fluoridate its water reservoirs. Essentially, sodium fluoride was given the “green light.” . . not by a doctor, not by a dentist, but by a scientist who worked for the largest fluoride manufacturer in the entire country. I’m not kidding; that’s how it all started!

At that point, the ADA and AMA were not yet in action and were screaming at Congress to stop this toxic attack. The Journal of the American Dental Association warned in 1936 that “fluoride at a concentration of one ppm (part per million) is as toxic as arsenic and lead.” In the 1940s, numerous studies showed that fluoride is toxic, causes cancer, damages the immune system, causes brain damage and damages internal organs. But ALCOA, backed by the Military Industrial Complex, wanted a market for the waste created by the nuclear industry and promptly “classified” the incriminating results of each study.

They were determined to make a profit from this toxic substance called sodium fluoride. In 1947, longtime ALCOA attorney Oscar R. Ewing was appointed head of the Federal Security Agency, a position that put him in charge of the PHS. A national water fluoridation campaign began under Ewing. The PR strategist for the water fluoridation campaign was none other than Sigmund Freud’s cousin Edwin L. Bernays, known as the “Father of Spin.”

Bernays pioneered the application of his uncle’s theories to “half-truths” in advertising and government. In his book Propaganda, Bernays argued that ‘scientific manipulation of public opinion is the key’. He stated: “A relatively small number of people pull the threads that control public opinion.” His techniques were simple: Pretend there is a favorable study by using phrases like “Numerous studies have shown…” or “Research has proven…” or “Scientific researchers have found…” but then never actually quote anything. Say it long enough and loud enough, and eventually people will believe it. If someone doubts you, attack their character and their intellect.

Bernays never strayed from his fundamental axiom of ‘controlling the masses without their knowledge’. He believed that the best ‘PR’ comes when people are unaware that they are being manipulated. So under Bernays’ spell, the popular image of fluoride (which was then sold as insect and rat poison) became that of a beneficial provider of a radiant smile, absolutely safe and good for children. All opponents were quickly and permanently imprinted in the public mind as idiots, quacks and lunatics. In 1950, the government officially approved fluoridation, and today over 70% of the country’s reservoirs are fluoridated with nearly 150,000 tons of sodium fluoride annually, despite the fact that it is a toxic waste and causes numerous health problems.

Update 2024: Federal judge calls out EPA on fluoride risks to children

As if the dangers of fluoride weren’t enough, a federal judge recently issued a ruling that could upend the entire fluoridation system. In a landmark ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen highlighted the serious risks fluoride poses to children’s neurological health—something the EPA has conveniently swept under the rug for years.

Essentially, Judge Chen just gave the EPA a reality check, making it clear that they cannot continue to dodge the fluoride issue. More than 200 million Americans drink water treated with fluoride, but Chen pointed that out a lot of Scientific research shows that this exposure can harm pregnant women and children, especially their developing brains. This ruling is a major slap in the face to public health agencies like the CDC and lobby groups like the ADA, who have blindly defended fluoride as a public health triumph, ignoring mounting evidence of neurotoxicity.

With more research linking fluoride to IQ reduction and cognitive damage, it’s time this toxic practice gets the attention it deserves. It’s not just a health hazard; it is a betrayal of public trust. Read more about this here.

In summary

Fluoride, originally a dangerous byproduct from industries such as aluminum and fertilizer, was repurposed to “mass medicate” the public through our drinking water. Instead of paying for safe disposal, companies sold this toxic waste to municipalities. And the dangers? They are unmistakable. A recent federal ruling highlights the risks of fluoride to the neurological health of children, proving once again that this corrosive poison has been foisted on us under the guise of public health. As EPA scientist Dr. Robert Carton said: “Fluoridation is the biggest case of scientific fraud in this century.”

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2021 and was updated in 2024.

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