Human Exploitation Research – Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute

Human exploitation takes many forms. Sex trafficking. Labor trafficking. Sexual exploitation of children. Sextortion.

A new course from CJI, Research into human exploitationwill explore state and federal statutes that address direct and indirect investigations of human exploitation and will teach participants how to properly identify, report, and/or investigate cases of human exploitation.

This training will take place on Tuesday, October 29. Choose from one of the two sessions:
Register for the morning session: 8am to 12pm
Register for the afternoon session: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Participants will receive introductory instructions on victimology and relevant services to be provided to victims of exploitation. This portion of the instruction includes procedures for contacting required state and/or federal agencies.

Participants will learn the critical role of non-governmental organizations in human exploitation investigations and the boundaries that must be maintained with such organizations.

Finally, participants’ understanding will be enhanced by the in-depth examination of several cases of human exploitation most likely to occur in Arkansas.

This training is taught by Supervisory Special Agent Jeffrey Pryor of Homeland Security Investigations and is intended for both uniformed and non-uniformed sworn law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, victim/witness services personnel, and court personnel.

To ask?

Contact Jared Crisco @ (email protected) or 501-570-8078.

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