India rebukes Pakistan’s claims on Kashmir and denounces hypocrisy at the UNGA

On Friday, September 27 (local time), India slammed Pakistan at the United Nations General Assembly. India termed Pakistan’s audacity to attack India and raise the Jammu and Kashmir issue on the platform of the United Nations as a ‘mockery’. The First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Bhavika Mangalanandan, at the ongoing 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, called out Pakistan’s ‘hypocrisy’ for inciting Kashmir and questioning the elections in Jammu and Kashmir in India’s right to reply. UNGA).

Mangalanandan’s statement came in rebuttal to the allegations made by Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in his speech at the UNGA. The Indian diplomat stressed that Pakistan had “used terrorism to disrupt the elections in Jammu and Kashmir”. In her statement, she said: “The truth is that Pakistan covets our territory and has continuously used terrorism to disrupt elections in Jammu and Kashmir, an inalienable and integral part of India. Reference has been made to some proposals of strategic restraint.”

“This meeting unfortunately witnessed a travesty this morning. A country led by its military, with a global reputation for terrorism, narcotics trafficking and cross-border crime, has had the audacity to attack the world’s largest democracy. I speak about the reference to India in the Pakistan Prime Minister’s speech,” Mangalanandan added.

She also raised the 2008 Mumbai attacks and the 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament, saying: “Pakistan has long used cross-border terrorism as a weapon against its neighbors. It has attacked our Parliament, our financial capital Mumbai, market places and pilgrimage routes. The list is long.”

The Indian diplomat added: “For such a country to talk about violence anywhere is hypocrisy at its worst. It is even more extraordinary for a country with a history of rigged elections to talk about political choices, even in a democracy.”

While asserting India’s right of reply at the UNGA, she said, “There can be no similarity with terrorism. In fact, Pakistan should realize that cross-border terrorism against India will inevitably have consequences.”

When India rejected Pakistan in the UNGA, it also highlighted the 1971 genocide in Bangladesh and stated: “It is ridiculous that a country that committed genocide in 1971 and ruthlessly persecuted its minorities, even now dares to talk about bigotry and phobias. The world can see with its own eyes what Pakistan really is. We are talking about a nation that for a long time harbored Osama bin Laden.”

“A country whose fingerprints can be found in so many terrorist incidents around the world, whose policies are attracting the dregs of many societies to make it their home. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that the Prime Minister would say this in this hallowed hall. Yet we must make it clear how unacceptable his words are to all of us. We know that Pakistan will try to fight the truth with more lies. Repetition won’t change anything. Our position is clear and needs no repetition,” Mangalanandan said.

Threats to India, fuss over Kashmir and more – Shehbaz Sharif’s theater at the UNGA

India criticized Pakistan during the UNGA in response to the Pakistani Prime Minister’s speech. Earlier on September 27, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in his address to the UNGA said India should roll back the abrogation of Article 370 and engage in dialogue with Pakistan for a “peaceful” resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir issue. In a post on X, Sharif also remembered the “legacy” of terrorist Burhan Wani. He wrote: “India’s policy of brutal coercion and oppression in occupied Kashmir has ensured that Burhan Wani’s legacy continues to inspire the struggles and sacrifices of millions of Kashmiris. Inspired by the legitimacy of their epic struggle, they remain defiant.”

He asserted, “Let me say in no uncertain terms that Pakistan will respond very decisively to any Indian aggression. To secure a lasting peace, India must therefore reverse the unilateral and illegal measures it has taken since August 5, 2019 and engage in dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the UN security resolutions and the wishes of the UN. the Kashmiri people.”

He further alleged that India was “involved in the massive expansion of its military capabilities,” which are essentially deployed against Pakistan. He said: “India (India) is engaged in a massive expansion of its military capabilities, which are essentially deployed against Pakistan. The war doctrines foresee a surprise attack and a limited war under the nuclear overhang. India thoughtlessly rejected Pakistan’s proposals for a regime of mutual strategic restraint. His leadership has often threatened to cross the Line of Control and take over Azad Kashmir,” Shehbaz Sharif said.

Once again, the Pakistani Prime Minister started his usual theatrics on Kashmir on the UN platform. He referred to the abrogation of Article 370 and alleged that India has been taking unilateral illegal steps since August 5, 2019.

He alleged, “Instead of pursuing peace, India has reneged on its commitments to implement the Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir. These resolutions mandate the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their fundamental right to self-determination. Since August 5, 2019, India has taken unilateral illegal steps to impose what its leaders frankly call a final solution for Jammu and Kashmir.”

Shehbaz Sharif “warned” India of the consequences if it were to attack Pakistan and said: “Let me say in no uncertain terms that Pakistan will respond very decisively to any Indian aggression.”

It is to be noted that after the Pulwama attack in 2019, India has already made it clear that it wants normal bilateral ties with Pakistan, adding that it is India’s duty to create an enabling environment free from terrorism and hostilities . Moreover, India has repeatedly raised concerns over Pakistan’s support for cross-border terrorism and asserted that terror and talks cannot go together. India has also provided evidence of Pakistan’s support to terrorist groups at various international forums.

Pakistan and Kashmir: The master of melodrama, regardless of leadership

When India revoked Article 370, cricketer and politician Imran Khan was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. After him, Shehbaz Sharif took over in April 2022, followed by Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, who served as caretaker prime minister from August 2023 to March 2024, after which Sharif resumed office. In less than five years, three politicians have been prime ministers in politically embroiled Pakistan. Unrest in the hostile neighboring country’s political landscape continues, with the economic downturn making the damage even worse.

However, one thing has not changed: Pakistan’s ‘drama queen’ attitude towards Kashmir. Since the abrogation of Article 370, trade between India and Pakistan has stopped. Pakistan has repeatedly blamed India for alleged atrocities against Kashmiris. In reality, Jammu and Kashmir has made exponential progress since the abrogation. Politicians campaign freely in the state, and Lal Chowk in Kashmir is no longer besieged by pro-Pakistani elements. Economic progress, tourism and other sectors have flourished and several development projects are underway.

As Pakistan continues its obsession with false narratives, Kashmir is steadily emerging as a symbol of peace and prosperity. The region is no longer shackled by external influences, and its new journey towards stability is a testament to the success of Indian policies.

With input from authorities

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