The Shame of Exploiting Billy Graham | News, sports, jobs

Exploiting Billy Graham to persuade evangelicals to vote for Kamala Harris justifies the appropriate response from his son Franklin Graham. On X, Graham wrote: “The Liberals are using everything they can to promote candidate Harris. They even developed a political ad trying to use the image of my father, Billy Graham. They try to deceive people. They may not know that my father appreciated President Donald Trump’s conservative values ​​and policies in 2016, and had he been alive today, my father’s views and opinions would not have changed.”

Billy Graham would not support Harris’ policy of allowing men to beat women in sports. For Harris, women’s sports are a fallback option for jealous, narcissistic, mediocre male athletes.

Billy Graham would not support Harris’s policy of supporting the right to liquidate unborn children for any reason up to the day of birth and force taxpayers to fund the murder.

Not one to call him, like others, “Tampon Tim,” Billy Graham surely wouldn’t prefer Harris’ VP pick Tim Walz, who is requiring Minnesota government schools to provide tampons in restrooms for “menstruating students” (a subtle way of saying that men can menstruate too) in grades 4 through 12 and foolishly declaring that his state is a “sanctuary” for out-of-state children seeking gender reassignment drugs and body reassignment procedures.

Billy Graham would not support Harris’ identity politics agenda, which divides people into unbiblical, culturally Marxist categories of gender expression and sexual orientation.

Being pro-law and order, Billy Graham would not support lawlessness on our country’s borders with appointed Czar Kamala Harris AWOL on the job, while child trafficking flourishes, fentanyl flows in, and drug cartels profit.

Billy Graham would not be in favor of her record on crime and criminality, and her coddling of property-destroying BLM and Antifa rioters, who were saved in part by her personal donations to the left-wing Minnesota Freedom Fund. .

Billy Graham is in no way a socialist, fascist or crony capitalist and would not support the fascism, socialism and crony capitalism shrouded in price controls and government control over health care and energy that Harris has fervently desired and demanded.

As a faithful evangelist for the ministry of reconciliation through the gospel of Jesus Christ, Billy Graham would not favor the political implications of Harris’ strong religious bond and deep affection for her pastor, Dr. Amos Brown, who was on a task force. calling for reparations of up to $5 million per “racially correct” person in San Francisco.

Given the choice between “Evangelicals for Harris” and atheist Norm Carlson, Billy Graham would give his nod to Norm after writing in the Post Journal 8/17: “(Evangelicals) would rather have a sinner far away in Washington than a gang of them. with the law on their side at their front door… I would be a fool if given the choice between bad and worse, to take worse.”

Given the choice between NY Times columnist David French, an “evangelical” for Harris who despises Trump for his personal sins, and ordinary citizen Scott Axelson’s commentary in the Post Journal 8/17, Graham would side with Scott by to say, ‘So who’s more? dangerous? The one with perceived moral failings, or the left ticket that actively promotes moral failings as part of government policy? Not voting against the left-wing agenda seems like a major moral failing from an evangelical perspective.”

The use of an image of Billy Graham as a campaign endorsement for Harris is a sham of cheap cunning politics.

The Rev. Mel McGinnis is a native of Frewsburg.

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