Who Really Sponsored the DNC?

The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the LA Progressive.

When the Democratic National Convention (DNC) took place in Chicago last August, the atmosphere was charged with political speeches and calls for unity. But beneath the surface of this national event lurks a darker truth: the influence of corrupt organizations such as the Labourers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), which has deep ties to organized crime and uses violence to maintain its power. Claiming to stand for justice and equality, the Democratic Party allowed a union with a long history of corruption and violence to serve as a major sponsor of the convention.

I experienced this firsthand when I was violently attacked by LIUNA members during a peaceful protest at the convention. I held a sign that read, “Stop Arming Israel,” drawing attention to the U.S. government’s role in financing violence against the Palestinians. But instead of exercising my First Amendment rights, I was physically attacked. The violent response from LIUNA members was not just an attempt to silence my voice; it was emblematic of the deep entanglement of violence within political processes that are supposed to uphold democracy. This violent undercurrent is often invisible, but it is structured into the fabric of our political systems – and it is time we confront it head-on.

LIUNA: A Union built on organized crime and violence

LIUNA’s history is steeped in connections to organized crime, dating back to the 1960s when the Genovese and Colombo crime families infiltrated the leadership. For decades, mafia bosses like Raymond Patriarca have used the union to enrich themselves through fraud, extortion and violence. The Coia family, which controlled LIUNA for decades, maintained close ties to Patriarca, allowing the mafia to manipulate union elections, control contracts, and steal from union pension funds. Despite multiple criminal investigations and a consent decree signed with the U.S. Department of Justice in 1995 designed to cleanse LIUNA of mafia influence, organized crime’s hold on the union has persisted.

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This violent history is not limited to the past. Preet Bharara’s 2011 investigation into LIUNA’s New York affiliates revealed how the Colombo crime family continued to control key local residents, using intimidation and threats to maintain their power. Despite ongoing corruption and violent tactics, LIUNA has been able to operate with impunity thanks to its powerful political connections.

Violence against Palestine activism: a symptom of a deeper problem

When I protested US military support for Israel at the DNC, I knew the message I was delivering was controversial in certain circles. What I didn’t expect was that my peaceful protest would be met with physical violence. LIUNA members, emboldened by decades of operating above the law, attacked me with wooden plank campaign signs, leaving me with a concussion and post-concussion syndrome. They stole my plate and tried to steal my voice, my right to speak out against the atrocities faced by Palestinians.

This attack did not happen in a vacuum. The violent response to pro-Palestinian activism is not new, but is deeply rooted in the political process. Over the years, I have seen activists who speak out for Palestine being marginalised, silenced and, in many cases, violently attacked or murdered. The willingness to use violence to suppress political expression is not just a hallmark of corrupt unions like LIUNA – it is a hallmark of our political systems, which often protect those responsible for perpetrating such violence.

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The structures that enable violence against Palestinian activists are the same structures that allow powerful unions like LIUNA to operate as criminal enterprises while presenting themselves as legitimate labor organizations. In both cases, violence is used to maintain control, silence dissent and protect the interests of those in power. When I protested at the DNC, I challenged the US military and the very systems that protect those who benefit from violence, both in Palestine and within corrupt organizations at home.

LIUNA’s political power and influence

LIUNA’s influence on the Democratic Party is undeniable. During the Clinton administration, the union became one of the largest donors of “soft money” to the Democratic Party, pouring millions into campaign coffers and receiving nearly $30 million in federal subsidies. These grants, ostensibly intended for education and training programs, were often misused by LIUNA’s mafia-controlled leadership, which diverted the money to fraudulent schemes and personal gain.

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Despite LIUNA’s well-documented history of organized crime, bribery and corruption, the union has managed to maintain its political influence through massive donations and close relationships with democratic leaders. This political protection has allowed LIUNA to operate with impunity, shield its criminal activities from scrutiny, and ensure that its leadership remains intact.

This dynamic was on full display at the DNC. LIUNA, which claims to stand up for workers’ rights, was a major sponsor of the convention, while its members engaged in violent suppression of freedom of expression. The union’s political donations have shielded it from the law and public accountability, allowing it to continue operating as a criminal enterprise while masquerading as a legitimate labor organization.

nadia ahmadJune 27, 2024 (29:02)

The underlying violence in our political process

The violence I experienced at the DNC is part of a larger pattern that extends beyond LIUNA. In the political process, violence is often used as a tool to silence those who challenge the status quo. Activists for Palestine, indigenous rights, racial justice, and other marginalized groups often find themselves on the receiving end of violent oppression – whether it be police brutality at protests or the physical attacks carried out by those seeking to maintain power.

My attacker, Brent Booker, spoke from the stage at the DNC, hours before he attacked me. Fellow forwards Scott Gustafson and Adam Lupino also serve in the Union leadership role.

This violence is deeply rooted in the political structures that shape our lives. It is not just a problem of corrupt unions or rogue actors; it is a systemic problem that affects how political power is distributed and maintained in this country. As long as powerful organizations like LIUNA can muscle their way into political favor and silence dissent through intimidation, our democracy will remain deeply compromised.

Who Really Sponsored the DNC?

On the surface, the DNC was a celebration of democratic values. But when we look at who actually sponsored the convention, a darker picture emerges. LIUNA, a trade union with a long history of organized crime, corruption and violence, was a major financier of the event. While the Democratic Party claimed to stand for justice and equality, it allowed a union with a violent legacy to shape the stage on which our country’s future leaders spoke.

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By accepting sponsorship from an organization like LIUNA, the Democratic Party is complicit in perpetuating a system that prioritizes power and money over justice and integrity. The party cannot claim to be in favor of democracy and at the same time allow a union steeped in violence and corruption to play a central role in its most important political events.

A call to responsibility

It is time for the Department of Justice to take action. A full RICO investigation into LIUNA is necessary to dismantle this corrupt organization and hold accountable those responsible for violence and fraud. Until we address the deep-seated violence in our political systems – whether it is the violence faced by Palestinian activists or the corruption of labor unions like LIUNA – our democracy will remain compromised.

The Democratic Party must reckon with its relationship with LIUNA and other corrupt organizations. If it truly stands for justice, it must cut ties with entities that perpetuate violence and exploitation. Only then can we begin to rebuild a political system that values ​​people over power and integrity over influence.

With a corruption scandal hanging over New York Mayor Eric Adams, the DNC and the top of its presidential ticket must steer clear of corruption and acknowledged ties to the mafia.

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