The CDC has covered up its own vaccinated versus unvaccinated research showing that vaccines are dangerous to children

In November 2012, Dr. testified. Coleen Boyle, director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, swore before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that “we have not done any research on vaccinated versus unvaccinated (children).” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states: “That was perjury.” Kennedy found out through Freedom of Information requests that the CDC had indeed conducted comparative health studies between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

Kennedy discovered that the CDC had employed an internal researcher, Thomas Verstraeten, in 1999 to conduct a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study using CDC’s massive Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). The study evaluated whether cumulative exposure to ethylmercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines after one month of life “increased the subsequent risk of degenerative and developmental neurological disorders and renal disease before the age of six years.” The study results showed that vaccines were dangerous to children’s health. The study concluded that “high exposure to ethylmercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines in the first month of life increases the risk of subsequent development of neurodevelopmental disorders.”

Notably, the study found that the relative risk of autism for vaccinated children was 7.6 times greater than for unvaccinated children. The study also found that the relative risk of sleep disorders for vaccinated children was five times greater than for unvaccinated children. The study also found that the relative risk of speech disorders for vaccinated children was 2.1 times greater than for unvaccinated children. The study found that the relative risk of neurodevelopmental disorders for vaccinated children was 1.8 times greater than for unvaccinated children.

The CDC couldn’t allow that information to get out. So they devised a plan to cover up the results of the investigation. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains:

The world’s largest vaccine maker GSK brought Verstraeten to a sinecure in Brussels and CDC handed its raw data to its CDC boss Frank DeStefano and another researcher, Robert Davis, who served as a consultant to the vaccine industry. These two men tortured the data for four years, removing all unvaccinated children, to bury the autism signal before publishing a sanitized version that claimed to exonerate the vaccine. The CDC subsequently closed public access to the VSD and to this day aggressively blocks all attempts by researchers to study health outcomes in vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations.

The fraudulently altered study that was eventually published changed the factual conclusion of the original study from showing that “high exposure to ethylmercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines in the first month of life increases the risk of subsequent development of neurodevelopmental disorders” to, instead of those say that “(n)o consistent significant associations were found between TCVs (thimerosal-containing vaccines) and neurodevelopmental outcomes.”

Kennedy caught government health officials red-handed lying to Congress and committing fraud to hide the dangers of vaccines for children. This is not mere negligence or breach of duty; it is part of a well-financed conspiracy to injure and kill children. This is the behavior of sociopathic criminals. The childhood vaccine program constitutes an organized crime more sophisticated and dangerous than any mafia syndicate.

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The post CDC Covered Up Its Own Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study Showing Vaccines Are Dangerous to Children appeared first on Great Mountain Publishing.

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