British law enforcement is working with Bulgarian authorities to stop hundreds of boats and motorbikes destined for people smugglers

Officials from the National Crime Agency have led a law enforcement partnership with Bulgarian authorities to prevent hundreds of boats, motorbikes and other maritime equipment from ending up in the hands of people smugglers.

Over the past 12 months, the NCA, together with the Ministry of Interior and the FCDO, has worked closely with the Bulgarian National Customs Agency and the Bulgarian Border Police, sharing intelligence and launching joint operations targeting the criminal supply chain.

As a result, 33 separate interceptions of maritime equipment intended for criminal gangs organizing canal crossings have been carried out, including 125 dangerous inflatable boats, 128 outboard motors, more than 700 pumps and 300 rubber rings.

Experts from the NCA estimate that the seizures will have denied the crime networks around £16.6 million in profits they would have made from using the equipment.

Earlier this month, a task force of officers from the NCA, Border Force, HMRC and Home Office International Operations traveled to the Kapitan Andreevo border crossing in southern Bulgaria for a joint exercise with Bulgarian partners, providing training and targeted searches for vehicles and cargo . use of dogs and specialist equipment.

The day after the exercise, another ten Chinese-made outboard motors were seized. Bulgaria is looking for 1

The motorcycles were found during a thorough customs check of a vehicle driven by a Bulgarian national, who stated he was transporting furniture for personal use. The engines were found among the cargo and the driver was fined.

Kapitan Andreevo is one of the busiest land borders in Europe and the busiest land border in Bulgaria in terms of movement of people, vehicles and goods, and is a major target of human traffickers and criminal smuggling gangs.

NCA Director of Intelligence Adrian Matthews said:

“Bulgaria is a key location on the supply route for the criminal human smuggling networks involved in organizing dangerous crossings across the Channel.

“Knocking out this equipment before it can reach them not only disrupts their operations and hurts their profits, but it also prevents these deadly boats and underpowered engines from being used at sea where lives are at risk.

“As close partners and allies, Britain and Bulgaria are working together to tackle organized crime and illegal migration, strengthening both countries’ border security.

“And together we are committed to continuing to do everything we can to disrupt and dismantle the human trafficking networks that profit from the misery, wherever and however they operate.”

Georgi Gospodinov, head of customs at Kapitan Andreevo BCP, said:

“The joint exercises with partners from the UK law enforcement authorities are extremely important to us.

“Sharing good practices guarantees good results in efficiently tackling the channels of contraband and illegal human trafficking.”

Minister for Border Security and Asylum, Angela Eagle, said:

“This work shows what can be achieved through international cooperation to go after the criminal smuggling gangs who make millions from small boat crossings. Our Border Security Command will boost these efforts, with investigators stationed across Europe and additional resources to support operations like these.

“We will not stand by while criminals prey on vulnerable people, including women and children.

“Thanks to the efforts of the NCA, Border Force and other Home Office personnel, working closely with our Bulgarian allies, our borders are more secure and more lives may have been saved. By seizing the equipment used for dangerous and weak boats, we are also dealing a major blow to the smugglers’ activities and cutting off millions in profits.”

The NCA has a network of international liaison officers based in strategic locations around the world, covering more than 130 countries.

The network works with international partners to help disrupt criminal networks impacting Britain, including those involved in organized immigration crime, sharing intelligence and coordinating law enforcement actions.

Bulgaria is looking for 2

September 29, 2024.

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