Trump: ‘On the first day of my new administration I will halt all migrant flights’ and submissions via the CBP One app :: Grabien


TRUMP: “On the first day of my new administration, I will halt all migrant flights into our country. You know, those planes are flying over now and they’re not counting them in the numbers. Don’t know. if you know, they – and the phone app, there are thousands and thousands of them – are not counted in the numbers. That’s why they do it, because they don’t want to count it. release. I will restore residence in Mexico. I will bring back Title 42, which is the medical service. I will send federal law enforcement to save every city that has been taken over by migrant gangs and criminal alien thugs.

(Cheers and applause)
And by then, many of your cities in this great state will be in that position. It’s going fast.”

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