Will Pakistan ever stop exploiting the UNGA platform?

Will Pakistan ever stop exploiting the UNGA platform?

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif spoke at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 27. As expected, his speech focused on just two issues: Palestine and Kashmir. He shouted hoarsely at Pakistan’s two opponents that he could not touch either of them, Israel and India.

It was an expression of frustration and desperation, as he had no solution either. He tried to make it clear that both were wrong and had similar policies.

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz said: “Like the people of Palestine, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have fought for their freedom and right to self-determination for a century. Instead of moving towards peace, India has reneged on its obligations to implement United Nations Security Council resolutions.

In fact, fears about Pakistan are growing as demands to merge occupied Kashmir with India are increasing. India’s refusal to even consider reintroducing Article 370, Pakistan’s fundamental demand for the resumption of dialogue, has panicked Islamabad. What has further hurt Pakistan is the continued threat of cross-border retaliation, including the recapture of PoK by military force in case Islamabad continues to sponsor terrorism.

The Eclipse of Pakistan

Stuttering and unable to read his text, the Pakistani Prime Minister’s speech was all about India and Israel, with no mention of Islamabad’s contribution to the world, development or its own people.

There is also not much to say about a country whose prime minister is a figurehead, elected by the military, with no decision-making authority. Nor could he talk about democracy as it is being suppressed in his own country by the imprisonment of its most popular leader, Imran Khan, on trumped-up charges. He was afraid to mention the ongoing elections in J&K because the world knows that they are free and fair, while those in Pakistan are rigged.

Nor could Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz claim that the Shimla Accord and the Lahore Declaration have made any global agency or third party mediation redundant in the Indo-Pakistani territorial disputes. It is bilateral and will remain so. That is why no country, including any of Pakistan’s allies, ever offers to mediate.

The Pakistani Prime Minister also failed to mention Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), where genocide is underway and residents are disappearing and their bodies mysteriously reappearing a few years later, riddled with bullets.

Members of every family in Balochistan and KP are missing and protests over their whereabouts are being suppressed with brutal violence. The mere mention of Balochistan on the world stage is causing panic in Islamabad.

Nor could he complain about the Taliban that his country had created to ultimately support the TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan), which is gaining ground in the KP day by day. As Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar said, “You cannot blame the world; It’s just karma.

The Pakistani Prime Minister was afraid to talk about drugs coming from Afghanistan as he was aware that it was the country’s military that was behind the drug trade through Karachi. He also failed to mention that all West Asian countries have told Pakistan not to send beggars there.

While talking about the agenda of Hindu supremacy, he forgot to mention that minorities in his country are forcibly converted, murdered and even the graves of minority Ahmadiyyas are desecrated on an almost daily basis. The nation that never respects other religions speaks of Islamophobia.

Escape from Pakistan

Shehbaz Sharif also failed to mention that the country is experiencing uncontrollable inflation and unemployment, and public anger is only increasing due to financial misdeeds and large-scale corruption. Nor can he claim that Pakistan is so deeply in debt that the country could collapse if the IMF delays lending. He also failed to assert that Pakistan is a proxy state of China and is willing to do its bidding.

All India needed was a young diplomat to break down the facade of the Pakistani Prime Minister and show the world that Pakistan is just spreading a lot of lies. India’s first UN Secretary Bhavika Mangalanandan gave a strong response and made it clear to the world what kind of nation Pakistan is. She said: “A military-led country, with a global reputation for terrorism, drug trafficking and transnational crime, had the audacity to attack the world’s largest democracy.

She added: “Yet we must clearly show how unacceptable his words are to all of us. We know that Pakistan will try to fight the truth with more lies. Repetition will not change anything. Our position is clear and needs no repetition. No pact can be made with terrorism. She reiterated that al-Qaeda founder and feared terrorist Osama bin Laden was a respected guest in the country.

Indian representatives rarely referred to Pakistan in their speech to the UNGA. But this time he had to be charged. Dr. Jaishankar said at the United Nations General Assembly that Pakistan’s cross-border terror policy will never succeed. And he cannot hope for impunity. On the contrary, actions will certainly have consequences. The issue to be settled between us now is only the liberation of Indian territory illegally occupied by Pakistan. And, of course, abandoning Pakistan’s long-standing involvement in terrorism.


This was a warning that India would not accept any mention of mediation and would not resume dialogue unless Pakistan put a complete end to terrorism. It is clear that India has overtaken Pakistan and moved ahead considering it is just a pinprick, while for Pakistan India is an enemy whose mere mention creates panic among its leaders.

India is also the nation that Pakistan wants to be, but can never become. What India is today transcends Pakistan’s dream. She can only find solace in crying foul about India and Kashmir on the world stage, while hiding her own shortcomings and misdeeds.

***The writer is a commentator on security and strategic affairs; the opinions expressed here are his own


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